2- Angelic Voice

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Zach's POV

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Zach's POV

I opened my sister's bedroom door to see her in bed, not looking great. I hate seeing her like this. Weak and prone. My sister, Sam, is very important to me. She's one of the only few people I care for. I check her temperature to see that she was almost better. I smile and gently shook her awake.

"Hey," she opened her eyes, trying to adjust to the light

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Better than yesterday," she smiled as she answers

"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own? I can stay," Sam shook her head and replied

"I'm fine, you should go to school," I smile as a response and tucked her back to bed. I told her the food is in the fridge and to just heat it up when she's hungry. She nods and I say my goodbye.

I drove to school quickly and arrived before the bell rang. I walked through the school's doors and was immediately greeted by my peers. Being the most popular guy in school is probably the best thing you will experience during your high school life. You'll be feared, respected and liked by many. And anyone I would hate, they would hate too.

I was walking to my locker throughout the crowded hallways when someone bumped into me. I heard the person fall to the ground and I laugh. I turn around to see the infamous Ted Schneider. The literal definition of anti-social and fear.

"Watch where you're going crybaby!" My voice echoed the hallway. He just quietly got up and dusted himself, not even glancing at me. Can someone be more careless?

"Now what, crybaby?! Aren't you gonna cry?!" I teased. I saw water pool in his eyes. I smirk at my victory.

"F*ck off!" His sister shouted. I laugh as they walk away.

I feel like I was born to make Ted's high school life a living hell. I've been teasing and tormenting him for the past three years since we started high school. And throughout those years, I've only heard him talk 6 times. 6 times in 3 years! That boy needs some help.

I walk in my first class and saw Christie and Rayven waiting for me. I quickly rush to the back of the class and sat beside Rayven.

"Did you go to the party last night?" Rayven asked me

"Whose party?"

"Vanessa's," he said as he tilt his head

"Uh, no. I was busy," I replied with a monotone voice.

Our teacher, Mrs. Honey, came in and started teaching. This class, English literature, is one of the only 2 classes I do excel and pay attention to. It's probably because of how not boring these classes are.

The bell rang after an hour past and I was off to my worst class. World history. I am literal shit in this class. I barely make a C- in this class!

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