Chapter 46

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This was yet another day Princess Wen Yue and her personal servant, Lin, would go to visit Imperial Concubine Ting Mei. However, today would be a change of plans for one individual.

"Your Highness, shall we get going?" Lin spoke as she helped her princess into her warm coat.

Wen Yue frowned, "Actually, Lin," she turned to her.

"Yes, Your Highness?" her eyes looked to be filled with question.

"Do you want to visit your family?" the woman of the Night Palace asked.

Lin's expression fell into a state of bewilderment. It wasn't that she didn't want to visit her family, but rather a servant of the palace could never leave once they stepped foot in.

"But Your Highness, you could be punished for this." worried for her sake.

Wen Yue went to her chest situated on her desk and pulled out a heavy pouch filled with gold. In her hand, she then walked to Lin and gave it to her.

"I know about your family's situation." it was Huang she had asked to do this that day Lin delivered a note to him.

It wasn't uncommon for those of the unfortunate or poverty ridden to enter the palace to work. However, the price would be to never see their families again.

"It doesn't matter what happens to me because you are important to me Lin. I can't let you be contained here forever without ever seeing your family again." it seems she has finally realized the ones around her truly care for her.

She wasn't alone anymore.

The servant's gaze casted to the floor, "Your Highness....." tears began to shed. "I am not worthy of your kindness." she never thought that such a dream would come true.

For the years that she had been confined within the palace walls, the woman yearned to see her family again. They were once a fine and well tree with enough water that allowed it to thrive. However, due to the tragedy of her father's death everything they owned was taken away, and eventually they fell to poverty living off the scraps on the streets.

That is until Lin decided to sacrifice everything to enter the palace. She didn't have much but still sent money along their way.

"I've already asked Huan to arrange a way for you to leave." having planned ahead. "Please see them." almost begging.

Although hesitant, Lin finally held the gold-filled pouch and came to her knees. A deep bow was given showing her utmost respect and gratitude. "I will never forget your kindness." she sobbed.

Kneeling down beside her, Wen Yue gave a soft smile. No other words were said, except the reunion of a torn family.

Walking alone to the Camellia Palace, was now just her. Lin was already gone and on her way there by the guidance of Huang. All she hoped, was that now Lin wouldn't have to put up a front of happiness with grief that lied underneath.

A release of warm breath from her mouth, the princess spoke to herself. "Winter is now upon us." a whisper.

Soon enough, the first snow will come.

Entering the chambers of Imperial Concubine Ting Mei, Wen Yue immediately left to her side and greeted her.

"Greetings, mother." spoke the young woman.

Her in-law gave a look of somber, "Yue," she called as her hand reached out.

Wen Yue took hold of them, "Yes?"

"I need to tell you something."

The princess felt her face turn cold hearing her words, "I'm here."

Fei Yang's mother sighed heavily as eyes shut then opened. ".....I.....I'm dying...." a dreadful line.

The moment they entered her ears, the world seemed to become a blur. ".....What?" that was all she could say that moment.

It were as though her heart was ripped out.

Imperial Concubine Ting Mei gave a sorrow-filled expression that held curled lips. "I'm sorry," she paused for a second. "I even promised myself that I'd be here for him not as just some mother figure, but as someone he can call 'mother.'" a tear spill from her trembling eyes.

She knew this day was coming, but didn't expect it to be so soon. She didn't want to tell anyone, leaving it to just be a simple illness for everyone to know instead, even at the last minute.

The once vibrant candle will soon loose its flame.

Wen Yue's sight became filled with liquid hearing the terrible truth. This was so painful to hear especially that her dear one had lost his mother before, resulting in the confinement of his inner feelings.

And yet, was he loosing his mother once more.

The princess released her hand from hers, "Did you tell him?" she questioned.

She looked away, giving her answer.

Wen Yue frowned as she walked backwards.

Noticing her footsteps, Imperial Concubine Ting Mei's gaze came to her, "Yue, please you can't tell him!"

Her expression was distraught. She knew that telling would hurt him but not saying anything would be worse.

"I can't let him not be there for his mother when he couldn't before!" she cried as she then ran out that door.

Going as fast as she could, thoughts raced through her mind and chest beating fast. Her breaths were heavy and face flushed red from the cold breeze.

If he were to see his mother leave again without being there, how torn would he be?

"I can't let him experience the misery of his mother being gone."

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