XV | Thoughtful

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It's about 12:00 pm at this point, and you go to the bathroom and brush your teeth. Nabi was really interested in the crime show so she lingered around to watch. You come out of the bathroom and Nabi's phone starts ringing. She answers in Korean and she switches to English. She says, "yes she is...okay, I will tell her" and hangs up. You're interested. She looks at you and says "Y/n, look at the window". You walk over to the window and you look down. There's paparazzi everywhere and a black car at the front of the hotel. You watch bodyguards escort two men in. You're high up so you can't make out who it is clearly, but you're astounded at how loud the paparazzi are. They're so invasive. "Who was that, Nabi?" you ask her. "I guess we'll see", she says. Moments later, someone knocks on the door and you run to answer it. You open the door and see a very happy Jungkook with Joon behind him. Before you can even say hello, Jungkook scoops you up and spins you around, hugging you tightly. He sets you down and looks at you and says "you look so pretty!". "Thank you," you respond, "Nabi helped me". You hear him thank her in Korean. "I have a surprise for you," he confesses. "What is it?", you smile. Jungkook opens the door to peak his head in the hall. You assume he's looking for Joon. He comes back in holding two bubble teas. "For you", he says, handing you one. "Aww I love bubble tea!", you tell him, "thank you". "That's not the surprise," he says, "follow me". And heads out of the hotel room. You look at Nabi. She nods at you, smiling. You follow him. He walks at a quick pace and looks back to make sure you're coming. "Let's go!" he says and starts running down the hall. He finally stops when he gets to the elevator. Where is he taking you, especially with all that paparazzi? You wait for him to press the "down" button, but to your surprise, he presses the "up" button. "Where are we going?" you ask him. "I told you it's a surprise".

The elevator doors open

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The elevator doors open. He presses the button for floor 800—the highest floor. You get in and after a very short elevator ride, the doors open. "Okay, this way" he says, running down the hall. You run after him, trying not to spill your bubble tea. You get to the very end of the hall and are faced by a blank door with a vertical window. He takes a card and scans it on the door's pad. He pushes the door open. It's a staircase. He holds the door for you and says "we're going up". You start quickly walking up the stairs. It's only two flights. You get to another door. "Okay, Y/n", he says, "close your eyes".

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