Chapter 15: Bravura (Part 4 of 5)

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(Mood Music: "Closer Than Sisters" - Abel Korzeniowski) 

Marinette's mind managed to rejoin her body sometime around halfway through their first period, and the remainder of her classes went by without a hitch. There was a lot of chatter and gossiping about Ladybug and Chat Noir, and whether they were actually working together or if it was some sort of elaborate publicity stunt. Conspiracy theories abounded, but for the most part it was merely curious conjecture. Ladybug had always worked alone, so what would this mean for the city? Would she finally defeat Hawkmoth now that she was no longer outnumbered?

Alya, of course, was utterly buzzing with excitement about these recent developments. Marinette wasn't quite sure she'd be able to stand all her wild speculations and hypothetical questions; so it was both a shame and a relief that they only had two classes together this school year.

Despite the mental toll that hearing all these conjectures took on her, Marinette was still in high spirits by her last class of the day.

Or so she'd thought, until her absolute favorite classmate made her way over to her desk, giving her a sickly saccharine smile that would put high fructose corn syrup to shame.

"Hi, Marinette," she lilted in a hollow sing-song voice.

Marinette brought out her phone and pretended to look busy. "Hello, Lila."

"Did you have a nice summer?" Lila asked.

As if you care, she thought. "It was peachy," Marinette replied curtly.

Lila pouted. "You don't sound too happy. I don't suppose you've already heard?"

Marinette sighed. Might as well play along. "Heard what, Lila?"

Lila leaned into her personal space, which made unpleasant goosebumps rise on the back of Marinette's neck. "Well, I don't suppose you and Adrien are close enough friends that he's told you all about his secret girlfriend, right?" she said more quietly.

Marinette's brain screeched to a halt, but she forced herself to keep typing into her phone. "And I suppose he's told you?"

Lila giggled coyly. "Oh, well, I'm not one to blab secrets around, but the poor dear's just not very good at hiding those hickeys. A scarf and concealer can only do so much, you know."

Marinette felt sick to her stomach, but she refused to indulge Lila into thinking that she actually believed her.

"Go away, Lila," she hissed through gritted teeth.

"Don't believe me? I can prove it-" she replied, with that false cheerfulness that always carried a secret smugness to it. "-as soon as he walks through the door. He's told me his schedule, you know... We really are very good friends, he and I." She lifted her head to look around. "Ah, there he is."

Adrien walked into the classroom with Kim, joking and laughing together.

Lila waved them over, and Adrien smiled as they both walked towards them.

"Adrien, I was just talking to Marinette about our plans for the school year. What does your modeling schedule look like?" she asked, as she thumbed the fabric of his scarf. "This is the year before we graduate. Is your father going to ease up on the photo shoots? I do so remember how very busy you were last year," she lamented with another fake pout.

Adrien replied, his voice harboring a tinge of nervousness as she ran her hands up and down the length of his scarf, "Uh, actually, I won't be- uh, modeling. This year. To... prepare for university exams and whatnot."

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