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So, I'm gonna rant about something that I've seen all over wattpad recently. It's people copying other people's themes or books. That's not cool sis. Like come on be original.

Copying someone isn't cute either. Nor quirky. It's disrespectful and hands down rude. Think about how you would feel if someone copied you. You wouldn't like it, exactly. So how do you think people feel when you copy them?

Personally, this hasn't happened to me. Well, not that I'm aware of. So, please if you're copying someone, just stop. It's not nice. People work hard on their themes/books, and just for you to copy them isn't nice.

I'm so sorry to anyone that this has happened to. I don't know how that feels, to be copied is what I mean. But, I'm sorry that it happened to you.

So, basically what I'm saying is please don't copy people. It's not nice. It's wrong, and very rude. So please don't copy people. Anyways, just had to get that out there. I love you all so much. Stay safe. Wash your hands. And stay inside. Have a great day/night !

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