Twenty Seven | Message Delivered

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Reverberating silence echoed through the chamber more than it had since the Anointment of Ruzzletrust Sirus—generations long gone—and since the Rite of the Ancients; and since the lands grew back green from the Black Times of Done.

All those now waiting seemed to breathe inwards, together!

Ciara's lungs burned and her voice raked with raw, crackling power. "I now will speak directly as Skye-voice."

Ciara's voice—and yet not hers at all—echoed in the large vaulted chamber. Her body was completely relaxed.

"My name is Torgney of Trebekk. I must make myself clear—"

In the corner of Ciara's eye she could just see mysterious tears appearing on Alphonse's face. He gasped and moved closer. Why is he crying?

More sizzling sounds were escaping the throat of the Proxy of Skye-voice.

"—I represent only one of myself. And a small clutch—of mostly Dracon, beyond Eridanus—where we exist below oceans and far off in the stars. Together, we act against the wishes of our own kind and kin, unbeknownst to Our Family, in Haus."

Ciara could hear each of the sounds within her chest and her mind begin to form—before the words put themselves out into the room. She tried to breathe with her energy wings from her practice, but struggled. Her throat was a bed of hot coals.

"We seek to help you from beyond this side of matter—through the form beneath time. As a tiny clutch-klan we have chosen to come to you in secret, just as you hid here in this white piece of rock, until the day your friends could make sense of your gifts."

Eerie silence slipped through the room.

"At this time, Haus Dracon and most of our Council won't listen to Sky-friends—no more than you wanted to listen to me. Our species, Squamata, do not all agree. They don't believe in our theories."

Walter wiggled his way out of the bag and climbed up onto her shoulder, but Ciara didn't react as Torgney went on.

"I choose to use your own words in your language to address us as 'sky'. This is a truly quaint custom, but odd how I cannot understand why you hear us as voices 'above'."

"I shall do as you wish however and I continue— Sky-friends believe humans can help us. Our future meeting with our ancient trainers must happen."

Oh, Ciara thought, this is what a proxy does! She wobbled, but tried to stand steady and listen for the next stream of words forming within—

"The Heart of the World—It shall grow weak again, should you choose not to listen. Lifeforce is losing its vibrance and Dracon must protect Mearth. It will change your future. It is our job, together—a future where the magic you bring will help to unite us. That is our hope. Do you have any questions?"

There were, of course, many questions—a great many, in fact—but the room remained silent—not because the Guild members had gone hard of hearing, but because they were all far too much in shock to begin to speak.

"I have sent you the young one to address you, to be sure that you see her and hear me in this appeal to save time and some lives—and perhaps mine. But she is only human. Perhaps you don't perceive my presence, even though I have brought you your 'sign'."

"Perhaps, I have failed. Perhaps you will not believe I am real, until it's too late."

Ciara felt herself swoon as Skye-voice spoke softly.

"If you think this voice is merely a human, then as the sun falls I will have form. And then it is time—you will see I am real. You will see I am here. You will see you have dragons! And we must work together!"

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