C21: due date

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The cramp in her stomach told her the worst as she gazed up at the ceiling and sighed out.

Jerry on the other hand sat on a stool by the corner of the room with his phone in his hands, playing some game, whilst another man sat on the other stool smoking a cigarette to burn out his lungs in fire.

"What month is this? Are we in August?" She asked as she rubbed her fingers on her stomach.

"Why asking?" The man with the cigar asked as he blew out some of the white fog.

"I really need to know. It's my due month." She said with furrowed brows as she sighed out and held her head. "What month is it?"

"Well you better be prepared for delivering right here. Right Jerry?" The man chuckled as he glanced at Jerry who looked up at him before meeting Victoria's eyes.

"I'm not experienced in that." Jerry simply said before turning his eyes back to the game.

"Please I'm serious." She begged and he sighed out.

"Your man is going to come deliver us the money this evening. You might meet him." He chuckled then Jerry looked up at him for a moment before he looked away. "You know what will happen sweet heart? We'll kill him right before you swing your arms around that rich bastard. Don't worry about you sweetie, I'll take good care of you." He chuckled and licked his dry blackened lips.

"Over my dead body!" She hissed as she gently stood up and clenched her jaw with pity in her mind.

They were plotting against him...

Just as she was about to protest about it, she gasped out in shock as she felt something crawl down her legs and she glanced down in terror.

Her water broke.

Jerry glanced up at her as he noticed the silence and his eyes turned wide in shock, so did his friend's.

"Oh crap! She wasn't lying!" The man yelled out in frustration as he sprung to his feet and shot Jerry a nervous stare. "Men.... What do we do!?"

"Why are you asking me? Go tell Jax!" Jerry said as he rushed to Victoria who stood a bit shaken at how quick it was. "Is there any pain?"

"... No." She furrowed her brows at him. "Not yet.... Jerry I can't Deliver here."

"Maybe they can help." Jerry suggested and sighed out in frustration. "Take a seat on the stool." He said as he directed her to the stool. She sat down slowly with his help and flinched a bit when the pain slowly pinched at her waist.

"C-can I get in touch with Derek?" She asked as she glanced down at his phone sticking out of his pockets.

"... Oh I don't have his number-,"

"I memorized it." She said with pleading eyes and he sighed out and rushed to the door, locking it before heading back. He quickly gave her the phone and she dialed in Derek's number.

Hello? Who is this?

"It's me... Victoria." She said, almost in tears at the sound of his voice.

Victoria!? Who's phone is... Anyway, are you okay?

"Yeah." She sniffed as she wiped her tears away, knowing that she deeply missed his voice. "Derek... You're going to be a dad very soon."

Victoria... Are you okay? Is something wrong?

"My water broke..." She whispered and Derek was silent for a moment, thinking the air with silence.

Who's looking after you? Did they just leave you alone!?

"No, Jerry... One of them has been taking care of me... Please hurry Derek... I don't want to have it here." She said and Derek sighed through the phone and chuckled weakly.

"Babe I won't let that happen. You and our baby will be in my arms tonight." He whispered softly and she smiled weakly. "Is Jerry there? Can I trust him?"

"You can. He's very nice. He wouldn't hurt anyone." She said and paused for a moment. "Why ask?"

Can you give him the phone? I need to explained something to him.

She immediately handed the phone to him and he placed it onto his ear, nervously.

"Sir I know I did wrong but your wife won't get hurt-"

Jerry, I need you to listen very carefully if you want to stay alive and free from the hands of the police. Get Victoria and take her to a safe place near the back of your warehouse. You will find a black car there waiting. You'll hear gunfire very soon from now. Take her there once you hear it. No excuses. You have ten minutes to get to the car. Please bring her to me....

"You have my word." He said and cut the call before looking down at Victoria who stared in curiosity.

"What did he say?" She asked curiously and he smiled.

"You have a great man. He's breaking you out." He whispered with a small cheerful smile and she widened her eyes in curiosity. "When the gunfire starts, we'll act as though I am taking you to a place you won't run from. So act like you are screaming in fear as I grab your hand. Make it look real enough." He whispered and she nodded slowly before the doors burst open and the man with the cigar earlier rushed in.

"Jerry! We... we're surrounded! Get Victoria to the van in the back, Jax is waiting!" He yelled before he disappeared.

Jerry and Victoria shot each other shocked and worried glances.

"Trust me." He whispered and she nodded before she flinched in pain and groaned out.

Wow, that went south for the winter, am I right?
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