Baekhyun ~CAN'T QUIT YOU~

97 7 91

DEDICATED to SERENA baekhyunmakesmeshy

Main Characters: Baekhyun & Serena

Mentioned Bias: Baekhyun (EXO)

Mentioned Song: Quit (Cashmere Cat feat

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Mentioned Song: Quit (Cashmere Cat feat. Ariana Grande)

(A/N: I thought that it would be shorter than the last one but it ended up being even longer, around almost 4000 words 😣.

Anyway, enjoy Reading! 💕)

(EDIT NOTE - I wrote this back then when I was an amateur and new to writing.)



I heard someone yelling when i was walking around the corridors of our school. The sudden yelling made me flinch at my spot. It sounded as if the person was extremely angry.

I just arrived in school thinking of the day to be a better day as compared to the usual, chaotic days like bullies bullying their juniors, teachers having the students in detention, girls fighting over their crushes, blah blah blah...

Well... i'm used to this usual routine but still, sometimes, it's so annoying and i'm really sick of this happening each and every day except sunday that is, the weekend. I always have a hell of a day but sunday is my only favourite day since i can sleep as long as i wish for that day and also with.... peace.

But today, i don't think it's going to be any different.

"SHOW ME SOME RESPECT, YOU IDIOT!" The same voice yelled again and it was not distant, it was coming from somewhere nearby. I ignored the yelling and walked towards my classroom with hands in my blazer's pockets.

I arrived and sat on my usual seat. I heaved a deep sigh and looked around the class. Half of the class was empty. I waited for the teacher to arrive and soon she came, she started taking roll calls.

"Present!" I yelled when she called my name. She continued with her work until a disturbance greeted all of us. Everyone incuding the teacher looked towards the person at the door who was panting, probably from running.

And the person was.... him.

"You're late as usual, Mr. Byun." She said to him but he was totally unfazed by her statement. That boy ignored the teacher and quietly walked to his seat. "Mr. Byu-" She tried to say but he cut her off "I know. I'll be present for detention." He sounded totally carefree.

The teacher started teaching however i kept on glancing at him who wasn't even listening in class as usual. Instead he was busy playing games in his phone.

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