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I sat on Carls bed waiting for him to come back from a supply run with some other members. I wanted to spend the day with him since we hadn't seen much of each other lately. I missed him a lot and I know this day will be good for us to catch up and have a break. I heard his footsteps come up the stairs and a smile grew on my face as I waited for the door to open. The doorknob turned and I was met with a very exhausted looking Carl.

"What are you doing here?" He asked clearly not impressed, which hurt a little.

"I thought we could spend the day together" I said innocently hoping he felt the same way.

"I'm exhausted" he sighed setting down his gun and knife. "I don't really feel like hanging out" he said.

"We can just stay in here and sleep or cuddle" I offered.

"What dont you understand about I don't want to hang out" he said harshly.

"I'm sorry, we just haven't seen each other a lot recently and our schedules are always really busy" I tried to explain but he wasn't listening.

"I just want to be alone jeez. You can be such an annoying bitch!" He yelled. I quietly got up and made my way out of the room holding back tears.

"Y/N wait sorry...I...I didn't mean it" I didn't care what he said I was so pissed off at him right now I was about to punch him. I ran down stairs and out of the grimes household.

"Y/N what's wrong!?" Michonne ran after me.

"Nothing" I said quietly while walking towards my house. Once I finally got there I sat on my bed and listened to music off my MP3 player. I sat there for a while not letting myself cry.

Suddenly I saw my door open and I took out my earphones.

"Go away" I said not caring who was coming in.

"Y/N can we talk please?" I heard Carl say.

"I don't wanna talk. I might annoy you since I'm an annoying bitch" I said sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it. I was exhausted and we had a bad supply run please...I didn't mean to" he tried apologizing but I wasn't having any of it. "I'll give you some space, but just know I'm sorry and that I love you" he closed the door and left.
I left Y/N's house and tried to think of a way to make her forgive me. I came up with a plan that I hoped would work I just needed to act fast and get it all together. First I stopped at Carols and asked her if she could make me some of Y/N'a favourite cookies which she happily agreed to do. Then I set off to the woods to find some flowers that I hoped Y/N would find pretty. She was stubborn so I knew it would take a lot for her to forgive me, which I could understand seeing how I hurt her so bad. I loved her so much I was just so tired and I snapped at her for no reason.

A little while later I came back and picked up the cookies from Carol.

"What are they for? You guys have an anniversary or something?" She asked.

"Not exactly. I uh...I messed up and she's upset so I thought maybe I would try to win her over with food" I admitted.

"Good luck, Y/N doesn't give up easy" Carol said giving me a sympathetic smile. I ran off and made my way to Y/N's house hoping I had given her enough time to think things over.
Y/N's P.O.V:
I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard someone come up the stairs again. I rolled my eyes and sighed knowing it was probably Carl coming to apologize again.

"Baby, can I come in please?" He asked. I didn't say anything but he opened the door and came in anyway.

"What?" I asked keeping my back turned to him.

"I got these for you" he set a couple wilting flowers on the dresser.

"You got me dying flowers?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"I'm...I'm not so good with the romantic stuff" he said sheepishly.  "But I also got you these" he pulled out a container full of cookies. I pulled two out and started eating them.

"Why should I forgive you?" I asked waiting to be amused at his answer.

"Because I love you, and I didn't mean what I said I promise. I was just really tired and I snapped at you and I'm sorry it will never happen again" he said.  I turned around and gave him a little smile.

"Fine. But only because you brought me cookies" he smiled at me and gave me a hug.

"I love you" he said then placed a kiss on my lips.

"I love you too" I said back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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