Chapter 1

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Ok, so this is my first story (I don't expect it to go anywhere really 😂). I can't promise that much posting once school starts, but for now, I'll post as often as possible.

Author's notes will always be in bold.
Flashbacks will be in italics.
Underlined stuff will be for the passing of time.
The story will be in normal writing.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the PJO or HoO characters nor the Avengers they go to Stanly Lee/Marvel studios (R.I.P. we love you) and to Uncle Rick.

Flashback of the final battle where Gaia was defeated.

3rd Person perspective.

Everyone's fighting, both camps united. You can see they don't trust each other but they sucked it up for the sake of their lives. The monsters are winning.

Jason, Leo and Piper fly up to try and defeat Gaia. There's an explosion. Piper and Jason can be seen flying out of the smoke clouds, but Leo is nowhere in sight. Guess who can be seen, Gaia.

"I want to thank my tributes in person, where are they?" Gaia yelled across the field. The remaining seven knew she meant Percy and Annabeth. It was their blood that awoke her after all.

Percy and Annabeth go to face Gaia. The camps are doing better in the background. Explosions, blood, heart-wrenching yells, monster dust, threats, death, the battle is in the air. Percy and Annabeth are fighting back to back against Gaia and the literal earth.

They are an elite team, almost impenetrable, almost. One wrong move and they're both dead. Gaia would be dead thousand times over if they weren't on the earth.

Percy lifts them and Gaia with water so she can no longer use the earth to heal. Now they've got her. Mother earth panics and does an unmotherly thing. She uses her army for energy, thus killing them for her survival. Eventually, in the whirling of winds and water and stone, the water sends Annabeth out. Stubborn old Percy trying to protect her, not that she needs any protection. It's a whirl of power and you see the flash of Riptide now and then. Finally, a scream filled the air. Louder and more powerful than the rest. Mother Earth drops to the ground and disintegrates. The remaining monsters run away and Percy descends from the sky.

The war is over, they won, but at what costs?

End of flashback.

Percy P.o.V

It's been about a month after the war with Dirt Face. Things are getting back to normal. Well, my type of normal at least. Going to camp, staying with Mom (eating all the cookies, but Mom doesn't have to know that)  hanging out with Annabeth, killing monsters, sleeping. Well trying to sleep at least. The nightmares after the pit... hisusbs. The only way Annabeth and I can sleep is together. Just so we know the other is still alive and safe. Everyone has made peace with it, so we're good!

Grover and I have gotten in touch again (after my little disappearing act). He and Juniper are happily married, I'm expecting some kids on the way... Frank and Hazel are at Camp Jupiter. Frank has got his hands full with all the new duties and with Reyna breathing down his neck. Piper and Jason are gods know where. At one of Piper's dad's houses probably. They wanted to take a break from the world, work out some issues, or something? Nico drops by camp more often, because of a certain blond doctor. And then there's Leo...
We still haven't found him. I know he's alive, I just know it. I can feel it in my gut. And when has my gut given me a reason to mistrust him? Or her?

Today I'm bored and Annabeth is doing something I dunno but she told me not to bother her. Naturally, I'm gonna go bother her.

I walk across the campgrounds from the lake where I was sitting at the bottom just thinking about... stuff, I'm on my way to the Athena cabin. Once I get there I knock and go inside. I find Annabeth on her bed filling out forms. She looks up with an annoyed expression.

"Percy I told you I'm busy filling forms to cover up your disappearance. Now unless you wanna help go annoy Grover"

"Na, I'm good. You're easier to annoy anyway." She stopped listening again (so my victim of annoyance is gone) and is focused on the forms in front of her. I give a slight laugh and leave. Might as well go pack my bag for Mom's tonight.

Time skip (about 2 hours or so)

I arrive at my mom's place and go inside with my brand new key. I lost the old ones oops. I ploop my things down and go looking for my mom and cookies. Paul is still at work because it's school hours. I decided to ditch the whole school thing it never worked for me anyway.  I've got a free ride to college (New Rome) where Annabeth and I'll go together.

So I'm walking into the house and realize it's empty. I then remembered that Mom and Paul are living in Spain for a year or so since the last 2 days. How could I forget.? That's probably why Annabeth gave me a weird look when I said I'm going to Mom's for the weekend and I'll see her there. I'm supposed to go live with some distant relative (the government insisted) called Tony Stark. I'm not gonna go into the details as to how we are related because my head might start to hurt then.

He lives in Stark Tower. I've heard Annabeth go on about that place before but I can't remember what she said. I call Annabeth to let her know where I'm going, she replied with a few un-Annabeth-like squeals. And I head off to go look for a taxi that knows where Stark Tower is.

So yeah, that's it for today hope you like it, and yeah?


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