Episode 22: Epilogue - A Witch's Door

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As it turned out, trapping a powerful demon in a mirror, even when you had a lot of help, could take a lot out of a girl.

The last thing I remembered from the night we banished Algrath was passing out beside the Demon's Circle. Well, that and the feel of Kai's arms under me before I hit the ground.

I spent the rest of the weekend fading in and out of consciousness.

Every once in a while, I woke up in a panic from a dream about being chased through the woods, but every single time I awoke, someone was there at my side to comfort me and give me something to eat or drink before I fell asleep again.

Martin. Kai. Asher. They were the ones I saw most often, but it seemed everyone, even Gianna, had taken turns watching out for me.

I remembered waking up once and asking about the other girls and being assured they were all safe. Even Brandy and Olive had been allowed to go home after it was determined their actions were greatly influenced by the demon's manipulations.

Everyone's memories had been wiped clean of what happened to them and another, more believable story about a serial killer, was given in its place.

Satisfied that everyone was okay and I wasn't needed, I allowed myself to sleep again, getting lost in dreams for longer than I realized.

Then, late one afternoon when the light coming in through the window was already beginning to fade into evening, I woke to the distinct feeling that it was really done. Whatever side effects I'd suffered from Algrath's banishment had worked their way through my system, and I had somehow managed to find myself on the other side.

This time, it was Kai watching over me, except he was actually sitting on the roof outside my window, watching the beginning of the sunset.

I stood on shaky legs and joined him, placing a hand on his arm and leaning against him for support.

"My own personal guardian angel," I whispered.

In some ways, it still stung to think he was only looking out for me because of the promise his father made to my parents, but no matter why he was here, I was grateful for him.

"Half-angel," he whispered, turning his head slightly and pressing his lips to my forehead.

I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling of warmth and safety that radiated through me.

"Half is good enough for me," I said softly. "How long have I been asleep?"

"A few days, off and on," he said. "Martin said someone your age with only a single key has never taken part in such a powerful ritual before. He doesn't expect you to really wake up for another day or two."

He smiled and put his arm around me.

"Overachiever," he whispered.

"Yeah, that's me," I said with a gentle laugh. "The only person to ever simultaneously be a constant disappointment and an overachiever."

I was only partly joking about the first part, but Kai's expression grew serious and he shook his head.

"You saved everyone," he said. "If you hadn't acted when you did, it would have been too late. Martin and the others got there as fast as they could, but Algrath had set up all kinds of traps in the woods. It took them too long to get through it all. If Algrath had started the ritual, they would have been too late to stop him, and we all probably would have died."

I shivered, thinking of just how close we were to death.

"What was his plan for you, anyway?" I asked. "Do you know?"

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