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You could look in her eyes and tell the pain was real.

Deceit lies and a little bit of fame brought destruction when you mentioned her name.

From the way she rocked her heels to the way her make up concealed the lies that made her feel.
nothing was her, she wasn't pure.

She knew that when sunset came all the things she depended on would vanish.

No one ever told her that being alone would shed her skin and set free demons.

Unfamiliar emotions turned frantic. Too confused for panic.
Mirror images of her silhouetted frame corrupt her thoughts;

This is who she's truly come to be.

Her uninhabited soul never factored when she thought about living. Life for her was all about him and everything he was giving.

Never once did she look inside. Everything she aspired. The love she desired. Lived where she resided.

Like a butterfly breaking free a cocoon she revealed herself
Transfigured like the sun & moon
"Why did I not listen to what my mother taught?"

Signs of warning
Ignorance to the sun
Scorched and burned
Vicious cycles;360 turns
Selling your soul for riches and gold becomes bitter and cold

Her fears consumed her

Like a leaf releasing the grip of a tree , free to the mercy of the breeze
Solid concrete colliding with her knees.

Her Earth quaked ; meeting herself for the first time
Her body trembled , hands that'd shake, every scuffle, scratch, & scape, told her story, painted the view, her memory scarred , the battle still a-brew.

Withered and aged , she saw her life take in the form of clay
With every jagged piece
Every curve and crease carved the truth to who she was to be.

Words that only she could see

Showers of peace became the glue that molded her
Solid as stone yet brittle as sand
Shoulders broad as the mountains she conquered

Curves as smooth as the rivers she traveled
This was her landscape
Her body
Her mind
Her spirit
Her temple

Character restored , tainted no more
She has rose

"Now that I am a woman of grace and dignity
No longer will his looks phase me
For the presence of a mighty king treads amongst me
No longer will you strike me with spite
No longer will you offend me
As if I have seen the face of god
A new light,
bestowed upon me like the sun creeps through the crease of my curtain at day break
I am nurtured
I have spoken
I have rose
I am the seed that grows
delicate, lovely and free

I am a rose
My thorns mark
My aroma is everlasting
I do not take kindly to those who graze my stem while passing
A humble approach is all I will receive for I am of the earth and the earth is of me
Embrace me
Show case me
But do not mistake me for my fellow neighbor that flows with the wind

For I am strength, solid and whole
Every truth
I am a rose

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