xx. What the F*ck

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SINCE becoming prefect, I've only ever used the Prefect's Bathroom roughly two or three times whenever I was on the fifth-floor corridor. Though out of all those times, I've never really had a proper bath.

Until now, of course.

The Prefect's Bathroom was designed how you'd expected it to be. On one side of the room were the numerous stalls with toilets inside, just opposite that was a swimming pool-like tub that was about roughly the size of a fountain. There were taps along the circumference, all running different scents of soaps you could ever imagine. There were even toiletries stored to one side, everything from towels, shampoo, and a scented lotion — the bathroom had it all.

It was the perfect place to relax in, especially since OWL's are to take place tomorrow.

I decided that I would forget about my dreams for now, primarily focusing on my studies and school. Though try as I might, a small voice at the back of my head will still keep reminding me about it.

I didn't really know how long I stayed in the bath for. Judging from my pruned fingers and the orange sky through the glass-stained windows, it wasn't just an hour.

I sighed contently, relaxing against the tub and closing my eyes to relish in the comforting silence.

That was until I heard the door swing open.

My eyes flew open and I whipped my head towards the entrance, catching the shadowy silhouette of whoever was about to see me indecently.

"Shit, shit, shit!" I hissed, scrambling for my fluffy bathrobe, unbothered by the amount of water I was spilling over the edge.

"A magic school and they can't even put a bloody lock on the bathrooms," I muttered to myself.

Hearing the footsteps draw closer, I quickly rushed inside one of the empty stalls, slamming the door rather loudly.

I hastily secured the robe to cover my body, feeling vulnerable even behind an opaque door.

"Hello?" A voice called out; a voice I recognized too clearly.

I shoved a fist in my mouth to muffle my anguished scream, looking painfully at the ceiling.

It was impossible. My luck couldn't possibly be this bad. This felt too much like those cliche moments you read in those teeny novels.

Once again, Draco Malfoy has come to make my life a hundred times for difficult than before.

"Hello?" he called out again, dragging the 'o' much longer.

I let out a silent sob, realizing that my clothes were still by the tub. No doubt he already knew someone was here.

Maybe he'll leave once he realizes someone else was having a bath. I waited a few minutes, counted until five, and even traced over the carvings on the stall door, but it was clear that Draco's decision wasn't to leave after all.

There as only one way I could deal with this, it may not be the best way but it was the only way. I did not want to stay shivering in a lonely stall while he was just outside the door, most likely having a bath.

I chewed on my lip, looking to the ceiling again as if asking, do I really have to do this?

I took in a breath and unlocked the door, only peeking my head out to see what was going on.

Draco was standing by the tub, looking curiously down at the bubbly water as if thinking someone might've been under all of it. I cleared my throat.

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