3 - The King - Keefe

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So basically, Keefe took five to many fathomlethes. Yep. You should be afraid.

I'm okay. I'm absolutely fine. In fact, I have never been better than what I am at this precise moment. Sophie says she's concerned for my mental health, but I told her that it's fine. I've just been working on my memories. I only took five fathomlethes. Nothing is wrong.

I started my own kingdom. Dearest Daddy won't leave me alone, so I brigaded the door, and now I have a kingdom. I am the king. Mrs. Stinkbottom is my advisor, and Ro thinks I'm insane. She took my fathomlethes away, but I found them. I think she's bored too.

"Keefe!" Ro yelled at me from across my great kingdom.

"How dare you call me by my given name!!!" She is very disrespectful. I think if I had a jail, I would put her in it.

"Your majesty." Ro says as she glares.


"Sophie's hailing you. I suggest that you put on real clothes, and maybe pants." Ro says, throwing a pair of pants at my head. I don't need them. I'll just point the camera up. I am wearing my royal robes, and they cannot be removed. It's the law.


"Keefe? Are you okay? Ro says you're acting... odd."

"You may address me as your majesty." I told her. She should be put in her place. She's talking to royalty.

"Ummm, did you take fathomlethes again?"

"Yes! How did you know? You must be a mind reader! Wait! What if you are a mind reader?" Could she be a mind reader?

"Keefe. I am a mindreader." Sophie said. She looked so happy.

"How is my best friend?" I wanted to check up on him.


"No! Grady, duh!" Sophie is so silly sometimes. Grady and I have been friends for years.

"Ummmm, maybe I should talk to Ro."

"Okay. Court Jester, come here!" I command. Ro glares again. "Yes, you have a very nice glare." I assure her.

"Is he okay?"

"He took five fathomlethes." Ro said. She sounded really happy.

"FIVE?! Ro, you have to stop him!"

"I tried. It's not working well."

"Um, just throw away all the fathomlethes. And maybe get him out of that crown and red blanket?"

"I'll try." Ro said.

"Okay, thank you!" Ro walked over to me. She started to take off my kingly robes.

"NOOOO! You dare disrespect your king???!!!"

"Yeah, I do." Ro took my fathomlethes. And my kingly robes. And my crown! Mrs. Stinkbottom tried to console me, but she just wasn't good enough.

Five hours later

I woke up laying on the floor with Mrs. Stinkbottom as my pillow.

"What happened?" I asked Ro.

"Oh, it was great. You took five fathomlethes, and you kind of went insane. Sophie said it was like humans when they drink too much alcohol. I say it was absolutely hilarious." Ro snickered and showed a video of me prancing around the room wearing a red blanket, a crown that looked like it was made of paper, and no pants.

"I did that? I thought fathomlethes just gave you weird dreams."

"Not when you take five. You even did it in front of Sophie." Ro laughed.

"Ugh. I'd better go apologize."

Well, that was... interesting. I just got the idea because we've never really seen Keefe on fathomlethes, and I thought it would be fun. This is what quarantine has reduced me to.

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