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Avalon - Island of apples

Arden (unisex) - the valley of the eagle

Arwen - noble maiden

Arya (unisex) - noble; air/song

Amalia - work

Amelie - work

Amelia - work

Amaya - mother city; the end; night rain

Aurelia - the golden one

Adelaide - noble, nobility

Adeline - noble, nobility

Arabella - yielding to prayer

Anastasia - resurrection

Audrey - noble strength

Alice - noble

Amara - grace or bitter

Acacia - thorny

Alexandra - defending men

Alexia - defending men

Alessia - defending warrior

Alexis (unisex) - defender

Amaris - no clear meaning, sounds like 'Amare' which is Latin for to love or amorous

Ariella - lion of God

Amaryllis - to sparkle

Araceli - the altar of the sky

Alana - handsome, cheerful

Alina - bright, beautiful

Avery (unisex) - ruler of the elven

Amity - friendship

Artemis (unisex) - named after the goddess Artemis of the hunt etc

Arcadia - region offering peace and contentment

Aurora - dawn

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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