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Days passed after my encounter with Malfoy and now, we both are very tight enemy. We avoided each other as much as we can and would argue each time we're in the same room.

I happened to be in the detention with Malfoy. Yes, detention. The last thing I want as a memory in Hogwarts is detention..... With my ex. Early this morning, when we had potions, Professor Snape thought it would be wise to pair us.

We didn't do the potion correctly as Malfoy keep bothering me and I couldn't concentrate. I accidentally poured the wrong ingredients which he gave to me and the potion exploded.

And we both are in detention right now. I done cleaning the potions vials and cauldron but Malfoy was sitting on the chair all the time, not moving at all.

"if you're just going to sit there and not doing anything, I'm going to tell Professor Snape"

"oh yeah? And what he would do to me?"

"more detentions for you"

"if he dare to"

"he's a Hogwarts professor, Malfoy. He can give you more detentions if he wants to"

"my father will hear about this"

"just go run and tell your father. I don't care" I said as I look at the wall clock, realizing it's time for the detention to end. I sighed and sit on the chair with my head in my hands.

"are........ you alright?" he said it like a whisper and I almost can't hear him.



"I heard that you asked me something but I can't figure that out"

"and I said nothing" he raises his voice a bit.

"you're so egoistic" I said slowly but make sure that he can hear that.

"what did you say?"

"oh what? Nothing"

"I heard you said something"

"and I said nothing" I raised my voice while looking into his eyes. We both keep our eyes cold as we stared into each other eyes and neither of us would back off and break it.

"Ms. Dumbledore, you're dismissed and.... There's something that you have to see" said Professor Snape as he walled into the room.

"what is it?"

"something about Ms. Granger" I don't have to be told twice as I run out of the classroom toward Hospital Wings and encountered mom with Harry and Ron behind her.


"where is she?" I asked as we entered the Hospital Wings and I looked at a bed at the back row. And she's laying there, not moving at all.

"she was found near the Library, along with this. Does it mean anything to either of you?" mom showed us a mirror that maybe used by Hermione to see the creature.



After the incident, all of the students required to be in the common room by each Head of Houses. I stand by the stairs as I see Professor Snape standing in the middle of the common room.

"Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately. All students will return to their house common rooms by six o’clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions. I should tell you this, unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed." Professor Snape walked away out of the common room after he told us about the new rules.

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