Chapter Twenty Seven ~ Summer

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"SARA!" Luhan yelled as he jumped on me from behind.

"Holy-" I cut myself off when I saw it was only Luhan.

"Wow thanks for the warning" I said steadying my breath.

"Your welcome" Luhan said.

I put myself some breakfast and sat down in front of the TV.

I changed it to the News channels and saw a picture of twelve figures with each sporting a ? mark on the chest.

"Rumors spreading that SM Is starting a 12 member boy band, the members are unknown" The reporter was saying.

"From other Bands we can tell you that SM is not one to disappoint" and with that the news ended.

I almost choked on my Fruit Loops and changed the channel.

Another News Channel popped up. This time the Agent I had talked to appeared on the screen.

"Yes in fact we are promoting a singer who is arriving tomorrow" He said.

"Is this singer Male or Female" The interviewer asked.

"Female and I assure you she will leave the men swooning" he said and I blushed.

He couldn't think of anything else to say, I thought.

The News channel ended for a commercial and I put my dishes in the sink and went into my room.

I dug out all of my suitcases and slowly began packing everything.

Suho came in soon after to help me.

"Okay so you leave at seven?"
He asked as his eyes glistened.

"Yup" I said nodding.

"Okay be ready you wouldn't want to be late" Suho said and he hurried out of the room.

I wanted to go to one more place before I left.

It was the very first place I had gone to when I first came to this city.

It was a park that was more like a huge garden.

Sehun offered to take me since he felt bad that we didn't have time to do anything fun like he promised.

"Mmhm yeah and then turn left" I said as I directed Sehun.

He said he wanted to drive so I didn't complain.

Sehun parked and I hurried outside I to the fresh air.

We walked around the park until I found my favorite place in the whole park.

The Garden that had the roses.

The roses were in all different colors like pink,white,yellow and of course red.

"It seemed like yesterday" Sehun said.

"What?" I asked while I walked around.

"The time when you were hitting Chen with a football and we were doing Math homework and.......well look at you now" he said smiling sadly.

"Well I'm changing my cell number but I gave the new one to Suho and I can give it to you now" I said pulling out my phone.

Sehun typed it in. he saved it in his contacts and I turned around to look at the other roses.

"Umm Sara" Sehun's said from behind me.

"Hmmm" I said not turning to face him so I could look at the white roses.

"Sara this is important" Sehun said and I turned to face him.

He cleared his throat and I said "Alright tell me what's so important" I leaned my head to one side.

"Well these last few months with you has been awesome" he said and I nodded showing him I was following.

"And each day I got to know you I.......I" Sehun trailed off.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.

"You what?" I asked.

"Ifellinlovewithyou"He said I so quickly I didn't understand.

"Breathe Sehun" I said and he nodded.

"I-I-I fell in love with you" he said and I took a step back.

Then I couldn't help it.

I slapped him.I slapped the guy who just told me he was in love with me.

Sehun looked taken aback "What was that for?" He asked.

"You idiot you couldn't have said it before?!" I yelled.

"Before?" He said confused.

"Sehun if you had told me before today I would've been so happy" I said blinking back tears.

"Then why-"I cut him off "you decide to tell me the day that I'm leaving" I said.

"I guess I deserved it then" Sehun said looking at the floor.

"We could still make it work-" I cut Sehun off once again.

"I never said we couldn't" I said and he grinned before holding out his arms for a hug.

I hugged him before checking the time.

"Okay we should go I just wanted to see this place one last time" I said beginning to walk back to the parking lot.

"Sehun are you coming?" I said and he nodded with his hands behind his back.

He handed me a red rose.

He bowed before handing it to me "a symbol of my love" He said teasingly.

I slapped his arm but took the rose.

"Suho drive faster!" I said.

We had just visited Lydia's dorm before going to the airport as promised.

"Well if you didn't have that pits top we-" I cut Suho off.

"Okay so it's my fault were late just because-" Sehun cut me off.

"Alright stop it you too" He said sighing.

"Yeah Sehun keep your girlfriend under control" Suho said.

"Yeah Sehun keep your ass of a friend under control" I said.

Suho glared at me through the mirror.

"Eyes on the road" I said.

We hurried out of the car and Suho and Sehun carried my two suitcases to the waiting area.

We waited until my airplane was called.

"Your flight will board in five minutes"

I got up and smiled at Suho and Sehun sadly.

"Well I guess this is it" I said and Suho and Sehun nodded.

Suho hugged me first "Don't die without us" he whispered.

"I should say the same to you" I whispered back.

Sehun hugged me next "take care of yourself" he said and I nodded "you too" I said.

Then a girl lead me to my airplane which my Agent had made sure was a private airplane.

I entered it and a person took my suitcases from Suho and Sehun.

I waved at Suho and Sehun who waved back until I couldn't see them anymore and they were just tiny specks in the distance.

Then at that pint I let all the tears out happy and sad.

This was a new beginning for me, A new life.
Okay so sorry if this chapter was too long but I had to fit everything in there.

There will be two more chapters after this from EXO's point of view and then the last chapter will be an Epilogue!

EXO High SchoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon