CH.64 Basil Hunts

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Chapter 64

"Can you please stop moving?" Mavi said with irritation as Owen tried to stretch on the hospital bed once again.

"I'm fine," Owen laughed. "I don't understand why I am here, I am completely healed."

"I still want Mom to take a look," Mavi rubbed her tired eyes. "What if there are blood clots or something."

She felt Owen take her elbow and gently pull her towards him. Her feet stumbled over the floor as she leaned over his body.

"Owen, not r-"

"Stop talking," Owen pulled her head down to look into her gray eyes. "Come here."

Mavi followed his lead as she leaned over him and placed her head against his chest. Her body was still tense. It didn't want to accept the fact yet that everything was over. The adrenaline running through her system made her muscles sore and her knees weak as she listened to Owen's heart.

"You were so good today," Owen whispered to her. "You had me believing you were going to leave with him."

Mavi shut her eyes as she listened to his words. She could still feel her skin crawling from Heyder's touch. There was nothing she wanted to do more than to go and scrub her skin with hot water and erase him from her mind.

"Owen...." She spoke up after a while. "I'm....I'm sorry."

Owen took in a slow long breath as he kissed her forehead, "I'm sorry too, Princess."

When Mavi tried to pull out of his embrace, his arms held her a little tighter. She chuckled as she wiggled herself free.

"Wait.....I have more to say...." Mavi said as she pulled back.

Owen released her as she hopped onto the bed and took a seat in front of him. She still wore his oversized shirt and as she pulled her leg under her, he placed his hand over her bare knee. Sparks flew instantly through their systems as he rubbed her skin. Owen watched patiently as Mavi's mind rambled silently in her head. She chewed on her bottom lip as she avoided eye contact.

Her quietness started to worry him. He forced his heart to remain still as she gathered her thoughts, but the task was next to impossible.

"I...." Mavi starred as she stared at her hands on her lap as she tried to put the words together. "I wanted to say no....when you asked if I liked....him. I wanted to say no. But.... my mind was so confused. Not because I like him....but because I couldn't understand what was happening. I..."

Owen watched as his princess took a deep breath.

"When he would... touch me...I would feel this spark," Mavi felt Owen's hands freeze on her knee. Her eyes snapped up to his brown ones as she rushed to get the words out.

"No like that." She said. "Not like was different."

When she saw the worry in Owen's eyes grow, she cursed herself for picking the absolute wrong words.

"Bad different." Mavi said with her eyes closed. "I knew deep down it wasn't a good thing. I was just.....I didn't understand why it was happening and I felt so confused and lost and I wanted answers."

As she finished, she waited for Owen to speak. Her gray eyes watched him through her lashes as he nodded slowly. She was dying to know what he was thinking.

"Say something," Mavi whispered.

Owen took a deep breath and ran a hand through his messy hair. He brought it down and rubbed his jaw.

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