☆゚. * ・ 。゚practice: rain roses

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« practice one: rain roses ! »

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« practice one: rain roses ! »

lmao honestly thisportfolio has just beenpretty dry (consideringthere's literally nothingin this except for dividers 😳)

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lmao honestly this
portfolio has just been
pretty dry (considering
there's literally nothing
in this except for dividers

anyways i literally went
on a food fantasy render
downloading spree bc
i really did get addicted
to playing the game again
(all the characters are also
rlly cute so 👀)

and i figured i would make
a cover out of one of them
since i really don't remember
the last time i made smt just
for fun haha

and i figured i would makea cover out of one of themsince i really don't rememberthe last time i made smt justfor fun haha

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there's no watermark bc
i'm literally the biggest idiot
but raindrop cake is so freaking
precious so it's f i n e

the upper righthand corner
do be looking kinda empty doe

the upper righthand cornerdo be looking kinda empty doe

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