Dancing Red

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Chapter 13

Commoner Li Lian
The Palace

Grand Consort Shu's birthday celebration was quite a festival. Few kings from around the empire attended, bringing along elaborate gifts. They ranged from stones, particular fabrics, paintings, vases and the list went on.

Li Lian had taken a glimpse of her mistress as she went into the festival hall. She wore her officiated jewelry and official black, gold patterned robes that swept the floor. She looked marvelous.

Concubines and the royal members of sorts were also dressed to perfection. Officials and scholars were invited and attended in uniform. Few elite clan members were also worthy of invitation. The palace workers were up and down―the kitchen members being the busiest, readying the banquet meal.

It was in the monkey hour(5pm-7pm) when Yang Liu and Li Lian entered for the dance. The large festival room was swelling with tantalising aromas the people were feasting on. Like the first time she danced, the guests were sprawled on the zabuton cushions. Palace maids and eunuchs served them.

Those who sat far into the hall, near the royal family were higher in status compared to those who were ushered to seats nearer to the exit.

Li Lian's heart was thudding with each step she took. People muttered compliments and remarks of envy as she and Yang Liu modelled down the aisle to the centre of the room where they would dance. Compared to the previous time, there was a grand throne at the end of the aisle. She stole a glance at the massive domineering seat, where the high and mighty dragon was.

He was relaxed on the seat, his head resting on his hand. Awhile, his other hand had his fingers thumbing the arm of his granite black chair. Yuwen Hong's robes were eye dazzling shades of gold. He was indeed the sun, the son of heaven as they liked to say. His fastened crowning hat had beaded strands swayed back and forth shadowing his eyes. What would she find if she looked at them?

"Prince Kuan Hui is indeed a princess." Hushed whispers stifled the air. "What a flower she is."

"I would like to marry her."

Yang Liu beamed with a large grin. She was going to be officiated with her princess titles after dancing. The response of the public to her reveal was as far not bad. It was acceptable.

Yang Liu was elegant in her blue dancing outfit while Li Lian was in red. Yang Liu chose blue because it was General Feng's favorite color. Li Lian on the other hand chose red because the purpose of today was to dance unbelievably well that Yuwen Hong would forget his anger against her. Red symbolizes luck, joy, and happiness. It also represents celebration, vitality, and fertility in traditional Nevoria's color symbolism. Red is the traditional color worn by their brides, as it is believed to ward off evil. If Yuwen Hong requested her audience that night, she would be considered his woman.

"Would you like to bet that the maid with the princess will be taken in by the emperor?"

"Two silver coins."

"She is beautiful. I have not seen such beauty before."

When they were at a place where the aisle widened into a large spacing meant for performances, they stopped. Yang Liu and Li Lian bowed, curtseying and shouting. "Long Live! Long live for the tens of thousands to the Emperor of Nevoria."

That was when everyone silenced. The stage was all theirs.

Like the waves of a river slowly cascading, the musical instruments started. It was a soft tune, the melody speaking of a lonely woman trying to find herself in this cruel world.

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