{41} - Mitch

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After Darla's confession, Mitch went home.

He didn't want to hear more of it. As bad as he felt for Adam, it wasn't Mitch's problem. He just walked home, the fall breeze gently hitting against him. And it was too dark to say anything else. Hell, he was probably was just tired because he almost dozed off in the middle of the street. Once he reached home, he couldn't help but feel suspicious. The lights were off, meaning no one was home. Mitch knew Rose wasn't stupid enough to leave the baby alone, so she probably took her along with her. Mitch sighed and unlocked the door using his keys, and he entered the household. It was awfully quiet, even when he flipped the light switch on as it only made a soft click. He silently made his way to the couch and sat on it, his hand reaching the remote lazily, turning it on. Mitch's eyelids felt heavy from the drowsiness, so he leaned back against the sofa and slowly closed them. Too bad there was the sound of a car parking right outside of his driveway, where Mitch suddenly realized that Rose was finally home. Although, she did not sound really happy when he heard her yell his name, "Mitch! Come out here quickly!"

"What?" Mitch mumbled to himself.

Rose entered the house with a look of anxiety on her face, "We have to go to the hospital! Something happened to Rob!"

"Whoa wait, what?" Mitch asked.

"I'm telling you, something happened to Rob!" Rose protested as she ran back to the car. Curious, Mitch got up quickly, shutting the television off and turning the light off as he followed Rose outside.

"Tell me, what happened?" Mitch asked, just as Rose started calming the fussing baby down.

"Rob, someone murdered him." Rose explained, her voice a lot quieter than before due to holding a now asleep Samantha in her arms.

"Are you serious?" Mitch murmured. "And, you want to go see him?"

"I was there when I found him. The police will obviously be there and I want to get this 'confession' thing out of the way or they may think I did it." Rose answered as she re-placed Samantha in the baby carrier.

"You're right. . . Come on." Mitch sighed as he entered the car along with Rose.

Without hesitation, he began driving towards the city. He wasn't drowsy anymore, that's for sure. But there was still a small thought lingering in his head. Rose. What had she been doing while he was gone? She was obviously angry from what he had said before leaving the house. But, what did she do? Did she go and visit Rob? Or did she try and let her anger and frustration out on her. . . Well. . . Her so called 'skills'. Mitch eyed her for a moment, but his attention went back on the road, "Hey, Rose."

"What?" She snapped, her voice on the edge of nervousness.

"What were you doing at Rob's house." Mitch asked as calmly as he could.

"I wasn't at Rob's house. I was at an orphanage. And I walked around and found him laying in the hallway." Rose explained abruptly.

"An orphanage?" Mitch arched an eyebrow. "What were you doing at an orphanage? Do you want to adopt a kid or something?"

"No. I went there to help my sister out." Rose replied.

"Your sister works at an orphanage now? The kids had better watch out then, she may be a cougar." Mitch smirked, receiving a glare from Rose.

"My twin has nothing to do with this right now." Rose growled as she kept her composure. "Now keep driving, you might get us killed."

Mitch huffed, his hands gripping the wheel tightly. They were entering a busy street, the cars there probably driving home from work. Mitch never really knew what it was like driving all the way to the city just to reach your work place day-after-day. It almost made him feel lucky on how well he was still doing as a youtuber.
But now that he thought about it, he gave Rose a few glances until he finally asked a bitter question, "Rose. . ."


"I have a question. . ." Mitch frowned. "Do you have anything to do with Rob's death?"

"What?!" Rose screeched as she turned to face him. "Mitch, what do you take me for?"

"N-Nothing! I'm so sorry for asking that question, I-. . . I feel like such an idiot now." Mitch apologized.

Rose sighed, "Whatever, just, keep driving."

Mitch continued driving, an awkward silence filling the car. He never said anything after that, afraid that he would keep making her angry. But, he still had a small idea on the back of his mind that he couldn't avoid or go against.

She was lying.

-Author's Note-

Gotta go sanic fast

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