Part 2 - Settling in.

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Once more, Grace walked around the small flat, checking that the windows and doors were locked - especially the door from the main house to her flat. Satisfied she was safe, she sat on the bed and surveyed her new bedroom. It was a good size and pleasant - she liked it. It was now 10.30 pm and it had been a long tiring day  Standing up, she headed to the small bathroom to wash and change for bed. She was hungry but was unsure what to do. There was no food in the small kitchenette of her flat and she wasn't too sure if food was included with her working arrangements. That hadn't been mentioned in her interview earlier that day. Sighing, she knew she'd have to check with her new employer in the morning.  Going to bed hungry wasn't new to her, so after washing, she put on her night dress and got into bed. As was her habit, she lay listening to the sounds of the night. A car passed by the house and she heard Martha, the dog, bark and a male voice tell her off. It meant Paul was still up and about. She crept out of bed once more and checked the door to the main house. It was locked. She listened again. The kitchen beyond the door was empty. Satisfied she was safe, she got back into bed and, exhausted, fell asleep.

The alarm clock woke her at 6 am. Getting up, she washed and dressed before heading to start her work. She'd noticed a basket of laundry the day before. She'd planned to make a start on that then give each of the downstairs rooms a good clean. The sun was up and the birds singing as Grace pegged four dress shirts onto the washing line to dry. Carrying the basket back into the house, she placed it on the floor by the door and decided breakfast was next. She was enjoying a cup of tea and eating a slice of toast when Martha began barking loudly upstairs. Startled, Grace jumped. The barking continued. She stood up and looked outside to see if anything had triggered the barking. Two teenage girls were in the back garden - trying to take the shirts from the washing line! She opened the door and ran out.

"STOP! Leave those alone!"


Laughing at her, the girls were off over the wall with the freshly laundered shirts. Grace was distraught! Her first day working and things had been stolen! Why would anybody steal washing from a line? They weren't even women's clothes. It didn't make sense! She walked back into the kitchen wondering how her new employer would react. Could she afford to offer to replace the shirts? 

"Morning Grace love!"

She turned to find Paul in the kitchen.

"You OK? You look upset?"

"There's been bit of a problem," she paused, unsure how he'd react, "I'm so sorry sir. I'll pay for the loss. It was my mistake."

"What kind of problem?"

Grace paused, fighting back tears. "I did some laundry for you this morning. The shirts that were in the basket?"


"I put them on the washing line to dry but some girls - they must have climbed over the wall or something. The shirts - they've been stolen!"

Paul began to laugh.

"What's so funny about it? I don't understand." asked Grace timidly, tears now rolling down her face. 

Paul stopped laughing when he saw how upset she was. He walked over to her, making Grace edge away from him. He paused.

"Grace love. It's my fault the shirts got nicked. I should have warned you."

"What do you mean? Warned me?"

"You can't put laundry outside to dry in this house. It's the fans - the girls - they nick stuff if you give then a chance!"

"Fans? What do you mean, fans?"

Paul eyed her curiously. "Come and sit down love. It's OK. The shirts don't matter. It's not the first time something has been taken from the washing line. I'm sure it won't be the last." He held his hand out to her. Ignoring his hand, Grace moved towards the table and sat down. Paul put the kettle on. She stood up hurriedly.

"I should be doing that sir!"

"Let's get something straight," said Paul suddenly, "Firstly, my name is Paul not sir and second, I'm not so useless that I can't make you a brew. Sit down."

Grace obediently did as he said. Paul returned to the table with a pot of tea and a plate of biscuits.

"Grace love, tell me again about where you're from?"

She looked at him. "I told you. Galway. Ireland."

Paul nodded and studied her face. "What did you do before you came to London love?"

"I helped  on the family farm until I got a job in a laundry. I worked there from being fifteen until a few months ago. Why?" 

"You don't need to look so worried Grace love. It's just that I'm a bit confused."

"What about?" she whispered, her heart pounding.

"The thing with the shirts today. They were stolen by fans. Fans of mine."


He looked at her, studying her reaction. "Do you know who I am Grace?

"You're Mr McCartney."

"No, not my name. Who I am?"

She shook her head. "Should I?"

"Well, unless you've lived under a stone for the last four years then, yes, you should."


"I'm Paul McCartney."

She looked at him, blank. Clearly he could see the name meant nothing.

"I'm a famous musician."

"Oh, right."

"I'm famous all over the world - yet you don't know me or anything about me. Why?"

"I..I don't know." SHe hung her head.

"You're not some escaped lunatic or something are you?"

"NO!"Then she saw Paul was laughing, "No, of course not!" She paused, "The only thing I can think of is that our farm is in a very remote place. We had no radio or television. The only time we got to know what was going on in the nearest village was when we went to church on Sunday. It was all very...isolated and insular." She stopped and looked up at him, "Does it matter? That I didn't recognise you or anything?"

"No, not all!" said Paul. He took her hand, "Grace love, it explain s why the shirts were stolen. I should have warned you. Just keep an eye out for things like that. OK?"

"Yes.. yes of course" She moved her hand away quickly, " And, of course,  I'll pay to replace the shirts."

"Don't bother love. Seriously, it doesn't matter."


"It's Ok Grace. Don't worry."

She nodded.

"Right, I've got work to do. I'll be out til about 6 pm. Can you have something to eat for around then? Probably enough for four in case the lads come back with me?"

"Certainly, that's no problem." Grace smiled nervously.

"OK. See ya later."


Grace nodded then waited as she heard him gather his keys then she watched him drive his car out into the street. Once sure he was gone, she sat down and heaved a huge sigh of relief. All those questions! That had been far too close for comfort!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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