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Chapter Twenty-Eight | Shipwreck

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Chapter Twenty-Eight | Shipwreck

Waking up before 12 am on a Saturday is definitely something I'm not used to. However, there really wasn't much of a choice since it was of my father's best interest that attended this charity that was being held today. When I told me about it I just shrugged it off and thought nothing of it, but then he mentioned that the whole household had to attend and that's when I started to look at him sideways.

My father rarely lets us attend anything pertaining to his business, but when he does I figure that it's usually something important that only benefits him in some way.

The event today was a charity event. The cause for the charity? I couldn't tell you and I'm pretty sure none of the people here could tell you as well. I learned from an early age that these events like this are just publicity stunts to make it seem like the %1 are finally giving back their wealth and doing something good for the community but it's nothing like that all. It's just something to make them feel better about themselves as they down expensive caviar and hundred-dollar champagne.

I hate it.

The event today was being held on Bentley O'Hera's yacht. A successful businessman who's up there in the league with Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Pierre Claremont. I have seen many yachts in my life, my dad even owned a few but none of them came close to the O'Hera's. You could fit all the students at Stratford on here and still have room for a little more. It's impressive to say the least.

"How long do we have to be here? This tie is practically strangling me." Braxton wined from his seat beside me adjusting the tie of his suit.

My dad exhaled a low sigh not even bothering to turn his attention to the boy as he continued to type away on his phone. "Braxton, why would you even wear a tie if you're just going to complain? I told you it was optional."

"Because it looks nice on me and the small zig-zag detailing on the tail is funny." He laughed to himself like a child as he played with the tie in between his fingers and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.

Before my dad could say anything else, his phone started to ring and he quickly answered and placed his phone to his ear. I wasn't trying to hear his conversation and instead turned my attention towards the name tag that sat in the middle of our assigned table, but my father has never been one to use his inside voice no matter the occasion and I could hear his conversations anyway.

"We're right here on the left," He turned around in his seat and his eyes began to wander around the room. "Yeah, positioned right under the chandelier."

My dad ended the call and I couldn't help but stare at him with a raised brow. "Who were you talking to?" I asked him and before he could even respond, I could see someone come up to our table from my peripheral vision and when they spoke I felt a chill run down my spine.

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