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Atmokinesis, or Weather Manipulation, is the ability to control meteorological conditions to various effects. 

The area of effect is dependent to the user and the more skilled the user is, the greater area can be affected. The extent of control is also proportional to the skill of the user. Since this power is triggered by emotions, the more emotions the users feel, the greater the scope and effect of this power. Low-level users are only able to produce heavy rains, at most, while skilled users can even produce hurricane-like winds, lightning, thunder and even the other forms of precipitation- snow, hail, and sleet.

Some skilled users are able to access limited forms of Elementalism - except Pyrokinesis and Geokinesis - using this power. But these accessed elemental powers are often weaker than the actual power. On the other hand, bearers of Elementalism can also simulate Atmokinesis by combining the different aspects of their power.

Type: Caster

Category: Supportive, Offensive (High-level users)

Trigger: Heightened Emotions

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