Camellia Blooms - END

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I think that it's harder to forgive than to forget.

I always feel sick every time I remember our moments, you know those times where you spend each day without regrets.

Laughing and smiling towards the world as if you have no care.

But it's different now.

I see the world as a cruel one, a world that is gray. Living monotonously in this world, seeing life as a curse and nothing as a blessing.

I wanted to forget so I can live.

But forgetting doesn't mean that your problems are finally gone. It doesn't work that way, I learned it the hard way.

Life can only be beautiful in your eyes, if you forgive, you will definitely see the world in a different way.

It's like a fog in your eyes has disperse and you can finally see the beauty of the world.

How life is truly wonderful.

You can forgive but you cannot forget the lesson because it's a part of your life.

Your past will always reflect your present but it doesn't mean you can't change your future.

Live your life and enjoy it, because we only have one life and we need to cherish it.


It's officially three years since I've last seen Yuu and is finally the day I will be able to see him.

He has finished his studies and can now come here and of course I am totally delighted.

The three years of my life change my perception towards life.

It was a gloomy and cruel one in the past but now, I can see the joy in everyone's faces. Even if the world is dark, there will always be a shed of light on unexpected people.

Change is inevitable and I gladly accept that.

I've got a strong bond with my family, with my now loving mother thoigh she's still a  strict one and my warm hearted father who always supports me in life, I don't think life was gonna get better for me.

But it did!

Alice, Bai Chen De and Ru Wu Jie has met and became close with each other. Bai Chen De also helped Ru Wu Jie in his job and now, he's being doing fine and has also made his own company together with Bai Chen De.

They became partners in the computer world and has made a lot of progress since then. Me and Alice on the other hand made a promise to have a trip with just the two of us every three months.

"You look to excited" Alice said as I glared at her playfully.

Me and my family, as well as Alice together with her husband and also Ru Wu Jie came to greet Yuu in the airport. Yuu's parents is with us too as they chatted with my parents.

"Yeah I think you need to stop buying your nails" Bai Chen De on the other hand said as I menacingly glared at the two annoying couple.

Looking at Ru Wu Jie with a harsh glare, I dare him to say anything in their defense but he just held his hand high up in the air resembling a criminal.

After I helped him, he suddenly turned up on our door and apologized to my father. He knows that he was in the wrong for leading me on.

For making me hope.

We were kids back then, still young and immature. We decided to elope together, I didn't know what I was thinking and I could faintly remember how hopeful I was to our future.

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