Chp 11; Winner winner

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You began your descent down the stairs, the sound of the door startling the idols as they all scurried off of the couch to see you in. You walked in with your head glued to your feet.

"I'm sorry if I worried any of you," You muttered underneath your breath as they all ran up to you burying you in a bone-crushing hug. Yoongi staying behind smiling at the group.

"Yah! Yoongi-ah! Come and join the family hug!" Jin exclaimed at the cat-like man. He rolled his eyes and scurried over to the group, secretly enjoying the affection. You let a few tears roll down your cheeks as your eyes closed, savoring the coziness. Finally, the boys pulled away and you quickly wiped your stray tears away so they didn't notice. You looked up and your eyes caught Jungkook's. You immediately looked down at your fingers, pretending to be doing something important with them, flustered at the man's sudden presence. It wasn't until you felt his warm hands grab ahold of your cold ones that made you meet his eye-line. His lips spread into an almost unnoticeable grin.

"Are you okay?" He quietly quizzed.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay," You shyly responded, breaking eye contact.

"I'm sorry I keep pushing you Y/N, I just care about you, and I want to get know all about you, the good and bad," He passionately stated, his eyes piercing into your soul.

"It's okay, I understand, it's just gonna take me a little more time to earn your guys' trust, but I promise I'll tell you guys eventually," You met each of the men's eyes as you spoke, meeting Jungkook's last. You could tell that they were a bit disappointed by your words but it was at least a start with you and they were grateful for that. Then suddenly your phone went off, you excused yourself and went to go get your phone that was resting on the couch. It was your only friends that were trying to contact you. Your best friends, Brendan and Sierra.

Sierra; Hey, Y/N, I haven't heard from you or seen you in a while, what's up?

Brendan; Yeah, what's going on?

Your heart started to speed up at the thought of them worrying as you rushed to type up a response.

You; Hey guys! I'm so sorry! I'm doing fine... I'm actually in South Korea right now. Something came up and I had to come here.

You; But I'm stuck here now because of the Coronavirus, they locked down the state, and I don't know how long I'll be here for.


Brendan; What! That's crazy!

You; Yeah, I have some friends here that I'm staying with, don't worry, I'll be okay! I miss you guys <3

Sierra; We miss you too! Stay safe, we'll keep you updated on school stuff, there are rumors of us going online

You; Geez, well I'll talk to you guys later, bye!

Brendan; Bye

Sierra; Cya! <3

You sighed turning off your phone as you threw it to the side looking back up at the 7 men.

"Who was it?" Tae asked.

"It was my friends, people are getting suspicious over my whereabouts now." They nodded their heads in understanding as you stood up and walked back over to them.

"Is the guest room ready yet?" You put.

"It should be if you want to go unpack and get settled." Namjoon piped up.

"Okay, I think I'll go do that now, thank you again."

"No problem, Y/N," You smiled in response as you began walking up the stairs into Jungkook's room to grab your suitcase, you started hauling it down the hallway, noticing that it wasn't too far off from Jungkook's room, it was three doors down and a turn to be met with the guest room hidden away at the end of the hall. You opened the door to a simple, aesthetically pleasing room. The walls were white along with the bedsheets and comforter. The red oak flooring deepening the room. Small plants filled the room, one-pot hanging from the ceiling with a vine falling. You smiled at the cute minimalistic room. Dragging your suitcase in you began unpacking into the dresser, then taking your toiletries into the bathroom. The bathroom was just the right size for you, it was a bit on the small side but it was enough. A simple shower and bathtub connected, along with a toilet and a small sink with a mirror. There was a window in between the toilet and shower with small succulents and flowers along the window sill. All the nature in the room made you feel at home in your apartment. The voices you heard from out in the hallway broke your train of thought.

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