Subcommittee Meeting

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It was not only Clovis that waited for her. The other two other members of the subcommittee were as well. Becky greeted Helen and Nova warmly. The had not seen each other to talk for a while. Not since the last meeting of the council, and before that, when they joined as a probation subcommittee to consider Clovis's case.

In addition to Clovis, there is his parole officer. Her current name is Belle, and it is she who asked for this meeting. Her cast iron right as the woman holding a male Vampires parole.

Two other women were called in and already waiting. Becky knew them well. Both women are Council Enforcers. The Cleanup Crew. They are a precaution only. Nova, Helen, Belle, and Becky could each one easily deal with Clovis, should it come down to that. He is only six months old as a Vampire and possessed at the very most two-fifths of any one of their physical strength. At the very most.

Six months did almost nothing to trim the supplementary adipose tissue off Clovis. He must have worked hard at staying that big. Normally a Vampire would, as a matter of nature, become a more natural weight. Whatever one's natural weight would have been at about twenty-five years of age, more or less. Some Vampires are plumper than others, but Clovis is a little rounder than even the cushiest Vampire Becky knew about. She tried not to think of his physical nature as being reflective of his mental one. Becky knew that to be an unkind stereotype.

The meeting room in the warehouse is on a landing and enclosed on all sides. The interior well lit and soundproof. Helen, Becky, and Nova sat in a line at a table, facing two chairs. The Crew members stood back, and to either side of the door.

Becky knew Denise and Anne well. They served for a long time and are utterly reliable. She greeted each with nods. It would not do to chatter away right now. They could catch up afterward.

Becky is head of the subcommittee. Helen, of course, is far younger than her as the youngest member of the North America council. Nova has been on the Council for decades and is a Native American in the very truest sense of that term. Even now, most of her life had been spent without having ever seen a white skinned person. A recent innovation for Nova.

Time to get this going. "Mr. Daigle. Have a seat." Becky indicated a chair opposite her.

"Call me Clovis ma'am. Everybody does."

"Fine. Clovis. Have a seat." Becky was not about to let Clovis good ole southern boy routine change anything, or throw her off her pace.

Clovis sat down, and Belle took the seat next to him with obvious distaste.

Becky directed the next to Belle. She wanted to underline a few things about the night from the get-go.

"Belle: As is your right and privilege, you called for this review. This male Vampire is your charge and responsibility, Clovis. When we spoke six months ago, you took his Parole and joined your fates. How may we serve you in your cause?"

It was dramatic and formal, and in her peripheral vision, Becky saw Helen stifle a grin.

"You may serve it by severing us. I want to end the parole. I do not wish to be joined to this asshole anymore." Belle cut directly to the heart of the matter and did not mince words.

Becky tapped the small pile of reports in front of her. "I have read these several times. I can understand why. Still, if you would, in your own words please, tell us why you wish to sever the parole?"

Belle looked over at Clovis, who scratched his scruffy beard with one finger and looked for all the world like he is bored. He really has no clue.

Belle flicked a fingertip at Clovis. "I bit him. I turned him. At the time he was fun and goofy and all that, and I thought maybe he'd be good and gentlemanly as a Vampire."

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