S I X T Y - F I V E

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After the conversation ended with her parents. Draco held y/n's hand and went to his room. He was fuming mad about what y/n said earlier.

"Are you fucking mental?!" he shouted. Y/n rolled her eyes and shut the door so that no once could hear them arguing.

"Yes, I am. Why?" y/n said calmly. Draco looked at her, thinking to himself that how does she manage to be calm when she just signed up for guiding him to do his task for you-know-who.

He paced back and forth, running his hand through his hair. He's really frustrated about this. Thanks to her, he now have two things to be worried about. Draco was planning to do something to be less hectic, but y/n did made it worse for him.

Little did Draco know, y/n also have some plans that he should not know about it yet.

"Do you know that you just literally signed up for a death contract?" asked Draco, pointing at her. Y/n nodded and hummed yes. He let out a frustrated sigh, "You can't do this! You need to go back and tell them you're not doing this any crap with me."

"Who said I'm doing it alone? You're with me, right? Together?"

In that moment, Draco stopped in his place, a defeated look on his face. He knew that she was right. He was amused every single time that she was right.

How can this girl turned to be correct every argument?

"Argh! I get that we're in this together, but didn't you know that once we failed this... It's over..." said Draco, "I tried to make all of these less hectic, but here you are— risking all of it."

"Then be it! In your letter, you said that you needed some guidance and here I am! I'm here to you guide you. If you're scared then let's be scared together. You shouldn't be doing all of these alone," replied y/n. It was true. She mean all of it. She have been observing Draco all this time and she knew how hard Draco was trying to scream for help, but no one heard him.

Now, she's right here, ready to help him. Be it life or death, she's willing to risk all of it. Yet, Draco was also doing the same thing for her. The two of them are doing one main thing and that is—sacrificing.

Draco faced her. He placed his hand on her cheek. With just a subtle touch, he remembered one thing. One thing only. He can't risk her, for he loves her so much.

"I can't risk you, y/n. I can't. If I got through this, everything would be over and we'll be fine... We will be alright," sobbed Draco. He added something before he could walk out, "This is my fight. Not yours. I'm doing this for you so that he won't hurt you. Do the same thing for me. Do what I say and leave me be."

The door was opened once he casted a spell on it. Y/n couldn't let this happen. She have to do something about it.  She also don't want to lose Draco too. If Draco was gone in her life, she don't know what else to do anymore.

She have to save him from all of this.

"Draco," she called out, causing Draco to turn around, "Do you love me?"

"A million times yes... That's a pinky promise," answered Draco.

Pinky promise- it's what they did since year three and up until now. She blinked as her eyes filled with tears. She never thought she would hear this from Draco. The Draco Malfoy.

"Then, let me be a part of it. All of it," she said, stepping closer to Draco, who felt like he was on cloud nine. Then all of a sudden, he was slapped by bitter sad truth. Once again, he can't afford to lose her.

"And do you love me?" he looked at her in the eyes, as if he could see right through her.

"A million times yes. That's a pinky promise."

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