Part I Chapter 4: Setting Things In Motion

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A massive wave of students in navy blue uniforms flooded the baby-blue painted hallways of Wellston High as the bell signaling the end of their lunch period rang. As the wave spread out however, the students started to form groups, finding their friends in the crowd that they could safely walk to their next class with, undisturbed.

While most people had a group, a few students in particular walked out with no-one attached to them. Among these people was a second-year girl with blue eyes and purple hair that met at the back of her head in a long ponytail.

As she walked through the hallway, students moved away from her in an attempt to avoid making contact with her. Whenever she passed, the students would whisper about her. Her latest test score, an ungraceful thing she said during 4th period, that time she accidentally tripped while walking up the stairs.

This made the girl's blood boil. No matter how hard she tried to be perfect, she was always met with the unbearable scrutiny of people always whispering everything she had ever done wrong back at her. It infuriated her to her very core, but then again, what could she do about it? Lose her temper and beat her nay-sayers up? No, she couldn't. That would be imperfect.

Despite their constant criticism of this girl, very few people in the student body dared to approach her. On this particular day, however, one student came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.

She turned around and was met with a tall, lanky blond-haired third-year boy with blue eyes and small, silver piercings. She looked up at him, into his eyes.

"What do you want, Arlo?" she said with a disgusted look on her face. Arlo chuckled.

"Good to see you too, Seraphina," he said with a smirk on his face. "I wanted to talk to you about something, you see." Seraphina rolled her eyes, but was nonetheless curious.

"Okay then, what do you wanna talk about? Don't waste my time." At this, Arlo bent down to meet her eye-to-eye.

"I was hoping our conversation could be a bit more private." he said with a no-nonsense expression, motioning towards the various kids in the hallway, who were all staring at them. Seraphina sighed.

"Fine. If you've got a more reclusive spot to talk in mind, then lead the way. "


Across Wellston, there were a few classrooms that were had gone unused ever since Headmaster Vaughn took lead of the school about 5 years ago. He did away with a couple of courses that the school had offered and never bothered to replace them, leaving the school with a multitude of ghost classrooms that never got used.

The one that Seraphina and Arlo currently stood in was like a normal classroom, except for two things. The first was that, instead of having the desks and chairs in the middle of the room, they were stacked and lined up against the wall in the back. The second was that, even though all the classrooms got an annual cleaning over summer break, during the school year, janitors avoided the ghost classrooms, meaning that everything in the room had a light film of dust coating it.

Seraphina had asked Arlo what they were doing there, but he did not answer, instead taking out his phone and scrolling on it with a finger on his other hand pointed in the air, signaling her to wait. Suddenly, a light sparked in his eyes as he found what he was look for. He put his finger down and turned the phone screen towards Seraphina, shoving it directly in her face.

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