This is my first book

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You're name is Natalie. You live in a two story house with your mom, you're dad, and you're little bro. You always feel you are being watched by something or someone but you aren't quite sure of it yet.

Today was March 20. You went to school that day. ( like all the others) you only had a few friend so but that's all you needed. They had your back when you needed. And that's best. As you walked up to them, your friend Renai said " Hey Natalie! What's up?" " Nothing much" You said. 

             Time skip***

As you were in your last hour of the day, you had a teacher named Mr. Peter. He was a chill laid  back teacher. So today, he let you guys do what ever you want right now. So, some kids played on their phones, some Kids drawing, and you were staring out the window listening to music. You were listening to Lofi and chill. ( like me right now.....) . Out the window, you saw a lot of people walking down the sidewalk. But as you were looking, you saw something weird. You saw a teenager with a white hoodie and a knife in their hand. You were looking out the window like a lawnmower got stuck in a tree. But then the teen stopped walking. He looked at you. You froze. " Natalie?" As you turned around really quickly to see Mr. peter and the whole class was looking at you. " Are you okay? Do you need a sip of water?" Mr. Peter said. "Me? Pshh.... I'm fine... I just need a sip of water..." you said sweating. " Well, take your time " Mr. Peter said. 

As you walked down the hall, you get the feeling you are being watched. You look around constantly. So you started running. You felt like someone was gonna jump out and murder you. You felt scared.So you ran into the bathroom and threw yourself into a stall. You were sweating a lot. What am I doing!? Why am I sweating so much? You thought. So later, you made a dramatic entry to your class. Mr. Peter said " are you better now?" You said " yes sir" 

Time skip.

As you walked home with your friend Renai, she said, " hey Natalie,"  " yeah?" You've been acting weird today, are you okay?" I'm fine.." so, you finally arrived at your house. You walked in. You smelt a fine aroma. Your mom was cooking gumbo. You're little brother was playing with his trucks and toys. And your dad was working in his office. You went to your room. You put all of your stuff away, you got Oreos and ate them while playing Mario cart. You said " my life is always good." So later, your mom called you to come eat. So you ran down stairs tripping and stumbling and fell. You were laughing now. Your mom rolled her eyes while smiling. " come eat you silly goose" ok you said. Your little brother was playing with the food frowning. I hate gumbo he pouted. As you got finished first, you went take a bath, and went to your room to get sleep for school. Later, you woke up at 12:00 midnight. You were very thirsty. So you walked down stairs to the kitchen. You got a water and drank to whole thing. But you felt a cold breeze going down your neck. You shivered. But then, all the way from up stairs, you heard your window open.You went upstairs to see what happened. You peeked through the crease in your door, you saw it. You saw a teen with the white hoodie and the knife. They had blood stains all over them and had jet black hair. You accidentally sneezed. His head turned towards you. You ran down stairs saying" NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!" He heard you. Your door opened and your hand was being pulled back. You were thrown in your room and against the wall. He pushed you against the wall with a knife next to your neck. " GO TO SLEEP" he said. You looked down at him and you kneed him in the crotch. He dropped his knife and dropped down to the floor with his hand in between his legs. You kicked him in the face. He fell unconscious. You were scared. You have a killer in your room right now! So what you did you tied him to your bed post. He finally woke up. He said" where am I?" You said "in my room" he said to you " yeah no sh** Sherlock."

he said, "let me go now." You said " why should I?" He said " so I can kill you" you froze for a second. You looked at his face. It was cut from ear to ear. His eyes had no eye lids. You ask him " what happened?" He looked at you and said " long story kiddo" you said " well, you are in here until I let you go so... tell away" he looked at you and looked back at the floor thinking...You said " well?" He said " ..." you said " oh the silent treatment huh? Alright, I guess you are staying in here all night long!" He groaned. He said " when I'm Outta here, imma kill you" later, you went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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