Chapter 5

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Sorry for the late update! I had to study for test this week, and I didn't have many times to write, so I have to delay the publish.

And I had a hard time deciding that should I named the Doctor? Or you guys want to name him yourself?


Hope you enjoy!

"Attention, please...due to the Catastrophe interference, all air traffic in Lungmen has been stopped. All entrance to District 5 will be closed in two hours. We thank you for cooperation during Oripathy inspections. If you discover any unregistered Infected, please inform a nearby peace officer immediately. The L.G.D. will detain them in accordance with the "Emergency Handling Act."

"It just like the rumors said..." Amiya mumble.

"Let's go, doctor. We're here." She said.

"Rhodes Island was scheduled to meet with the L.G.D. at 10 o'clock. It's 10:14 now. You were late 14 minutes; therefore you wasted 14 minutes of my times." A person said suddenly.

Amiya just about to open her mouth to speak but Ashley interfere.

"I'm sorry, Madam Ch'en, we happened to encounter Reunion soldiers, so it waste a little time." She said a little nervous.

"It's fine, I already know, but that's not important right now." Ch'en reply.

"Who might this be?" She ask staring at the Doctor.

"Doctor Nicolas (AN: I'm just gonna call him that for now. If you want t change it your free to do it.) Rhodes Island consultant. Dr. Kal'tsit should already informed you." Amiya reply.

"Hmm...well, since everyone is here, I need you to follow me to..."

"Madam Ch'en! It's an emergency! Those infected! They're not..."

"Don't panic! First squad, standby! Snipers, get into position!" Ch'en yelled.

"W-what's happening?! Let go of me!" The Infected yelled.

"Tch...what's going on? Report the situation." Ch'en said.

"Let me go! Why are you arresting me?! I didn't do anything wrong!" The Infected yelled struggling to get free.

"Some Infected are refusing to be taken in...we're..."

"I can see that...forget it. Detain them all. Disperse the crowd immediately. Open the gates in 30 minutes after you finished review process." Ch'en reply.

Ashley Pov

I gaze around at this place, many aggressive somehow feels familiar to me...even though I only saw this now... saddened me...those infected...I want to save their lives...

"Ash!...hey, Ash!" I hear someone yelled in my ear.

"Huh? Oh Amiya, what do you need?" I ask snaps back into reality.

"C'mon, you come too!" Amiya said.

"Heh? I thought it just you two?" I said has no clue.

"I don't know, Madam Ch'en is telling us to brought you too!" Amiya said who is getting nervous.

"Are you done yet? You wasted another minutes of my times." Ch'en said tapping her foot.

"Ah, we'll be right there! C'mon!" She said running towards Ch'en.

3rd Pov

"We're here." Ch'en said.

Then it show many tall buildings, and others building.

"Wh-what a tall buildings!" Amiya said amazed.

"Whoa! I've never seen anything like this!" Ashley said joining her.

Ch'en stare at them weirdly.

"Uhhh, sorry?" Ashley said a little nervous.

"S-sorry..." Amiya said noticing the stare.

"Rhodes Island is undoubtedly capable." Ch'en said.

"Oh...thanks for the praise, madam." Amiya said.

"However...after the Chernobog incident, there's been a massive surge of refugees into Lungmen. The Infected should already know what the consequences of entering Lungmen are." She continue.

'Wow...harsh...' Ashley thought pitying her friends who is an infected.

"I'll remind you once more...Lungmen is the next Chernobog." Kal'tsit said.

"Dr. Kal'tsit...!" Amiya said happily.

"Kal'tsit-sama!" Ashley said.

"Rhodes Island's representative has already meet with Chief Wei." Ch'en said.

"Please wait here. I'll notify you shortly." She continue.

"Phew...she's really hard to talk too..." Amiya sigh in relief.

"And harsh...her statement is harsh...she has no hesitation..." Ashley said slumping to a nearby wall.

"Now...don't be like that Ash...and Doctor, from now on Dr. Kal'tsit will take care of the negotiation, please have confidence on her." Amiya said as the Doctor nod in reply.

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