Chapter 12

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"I said piss. off. Tucker," Ashley continued. "Can't you see she's uncomfortable?"

Lenny tried to warn her with hand signals that she shouldn't annoy him but she ignored them.

Tucker wasn't much taller than Ashley, his dark beady eyes along with his fat but muscular body structure gave him a striking resemblance with a pig; not to mention his piggy shaped nose too.

"Who the hell are you?" He said coming closer to Ashley's comfort zone, the nostrils of his snout flaring. Ashley wasn't scared, her over powered imagination made him look funny in her eyes.

"Tucker, babe why don't you calm down, let's get out of here." Lenny said as an attempt to lure out Tucker from his angered state to protect Ashley.

"Wait a minute- babe?" Ashley thought in her head

"I ain't some damn baby Lens!" He said now shouting at her. The only thing that came to Lenny's mind was when in the world he started calling her lens, and why? That name was reserved. She was disgusted but she had to mask it over with fear so Tucker wouldn't get angry. Lenny badly didn't want anything to happen to Ashley; Tucker was a crazy person, he'd try something.

"You," He said turning to Ashley. "Don't go putting your mouth in places they don't belong."

"Why shouldn't I, got a problem with it?" Ashley started. "You should stop putting your hands in places they don't belong like, random example, Lenny's shoulders." She continued with much confidence.

"You're a girl, I do not want to hit you right now. I'm in a good mood. So get out, Lenny and I need to go, got it?" He said, teeth clenching as he spoke.

Lenny's eyes were darting about for someone. She couldn't really do anything to Tucker as she wasn't a fighter and he tend to got what he wanted as he had power. There were only two people that Tucker feared.

One of them was now pushing his way into the circle of people that had formed round Lenny, Ashley and Tucker.

"You're just full of bull crap Tucker. Go ahead, come hit me." Ashley said. "But leave Lenny alone. You're disturbing her peace."

Just like that, Tucker lost his patience. It was almost like a switch the way Tucker went from spouting nonsense to his hand mid air about to punch Ashley's face so hard. Lenny tried grabbing his hand to pull it back but she missed. He was too fast; but luckily she wasn't the only person aiming to stop his hand.

Ashley too was quite unprepared for the impact. She planned to tackle him some other way but she wasn't fast enough. Now she was at risk of getting hit. Stupid Ashley, she could have attacked on time.

Tucker realised his hand wasn't moving. He tried thrusting it at Ashley again but it still didn't move. Gasps were being heard all around. Tucker looked to his hand and saw that there was another hand holding it firmly. It was tan like Lenny's but it couldn't possibly be her, the hand was much too stocky, like that of a man. He looked up further and came eye to eye with one of the people he didn't want to see smoking a cigarette with his other free hand.

The person let go of the cigarette and balanced it in his mouth before smiling a devious smile.

If Tucker was fast, then this guy was twice or three times his speed. He had punched the side of Tucker's head with a mighty blow so speedily that most people didn't see when his free hand switched positions. The impact had made him move away from Ashley and stumble on his feet. Once he had found his footing, he looked up to this new person with hate in his eyes.

"You really think you're some sort of hotshot right?" Tucker asked between gritted teeth.

"You could say that." He grinned mischievously, his cigarette held in one of his hands. "You blew out my ciggie though, that's no fun." He said with mock sadness and threw the stick on the floor.

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