Chapter 32

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Maddie's girls will end in about five chapters or so. (:


When I got home, I pretended it was the weekend.

I wasn't stupid enough to get drunk because I'd still have to get to class the next day but I was pretty close to being drunk.

When 3 pm rolled around, Maggie showed up at my house. I offered her something to drink which she refused and then accepted because she seemed nervous.

I would've been nervous too, had I not felt like shit already.

I was about to take another swing out of the bottle when Maggie grabbed it from me, making me spill some.

"Whoops, that's 2k all over the floor," I chuckled, I had no idea where the mop was, so instead I grabbed a napkin and placed it over the puddle. "If y–you're going to insult me, get it over it with so we can—"

"I hated you," she began, clenching her jaw as she looked at me for a second too long before looking away. "I fucking despised from the very first moment I saw you. I didn't even know about Maddison then and I already hated you. If you want reasons, I could give you plenty but I don't think they'll make you feel any better about me because when we round it, it was simply because I was a fucking bitch. I hated everyone, even my own fucking friends.

"I hated you based on what I thought you were like. And I know I shouldn't because of what I preach but I'm fucking human, okay, and I– you should know that I regret it. Every single word I ever said about you or any other girl, I regret it. You don't have to forgive me, if you don't that's cool. But you do need to know that from the moment that we got close, I've considered you a friend. I know I can't change it but I do want you to know that had you given me a second to react before walking out of that stall, I would've given those girls hell for what they said because I don't think you're a slut, I don't think any of us is one. Not Lottie nor I think that you're not good enough for Asha– if it makes any difference, we all think that you're more than good enough. You're fucking Becca, you're— you've shown me and up to a certain point, you've changed me. And for that reason I fucking love you. You are my friend and I can understand if you're mad at me and at Lottie for what happened but— we're sorry.

"And we're also sorry about how we reacted the other night when— the whole thing happened." She cleared her throat, looking down at her hands. "I think we were just a little scared because of what it meant. I didn't want to lose Danny and I didn't want to lose Lottie. Without Danny, there's no Lottie... so... I was scared of what could've happened. But for some reason, Maddison decided not to be a the devil's spawn, so Danny doesn't know."

There was too much of her speech that I could've picked to carry on the conversation but I knew that as far as apologies go, this was what I was going to get from Maggie and I respected that because we might be very different but we had one thing in common and it was that we'd rather not talk about certain things because it just didn't come easy on us.

I could've made it harder for her, enjoy putting her in an awkward and uncomfortable position for her but surprisingly, I didn't want to. Mostly because the whole time I thought she was going to say something completely different to what she said. I never thought Maggie cared for me.

"Why isn't Lottie with you?" I asked, deciding to leave what happened on an easy note.

Maggie shrugged, the tension leaving her shoulders was obvious. It was then when I realised just how much it had cost her to come and do this. I've always had a hunch that Maggie wasn't the type of person that apologised, she wasn't the type that did anything that went against her pride.

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