s y n o p s i s

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College Sophomore Thora Maverick had once thought her relationship with highschool sweetheart, Cole Anderson, couldn't be more perfect.

They started dating in the middle of their senior year and had both gotten full ride scholarships to the same college, Thora with her 4.0 GPA and Cole with his football captain achievements.

Life was perfect until Thora noticed that Cole was spending lesser time with her, to the point where they were barely seeing each other for more than 5 minutes a week.

Desperate and dejected, she decided to turn to Treyton Storm for help, Cole's long time best friend who she had only exchanged pleasantries with when he was third wheeling.

As cliche as it sounded, Tryeton was dubbed the 'badboy basketball captain' back in highschool, stand-offish and a little mysterious, he wasn't easy to approach.

Thora knew he wouldn't agree easily, Treyton Storm was far from a charitable soul. But when she threatened to expose a secret he thought nobody knew, could he really say no?

If only she knew of the consequences a Storm would bring; a catastrophic madness of disastrous ruins and devastating beauty.

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"Why are you so mad? I was the one being pushed to the ground in the middle of the biggest frat party of the year, looking all stupid and miserable, not you!" l shouted.

"Exactly!" He yelled back, his usual ash grey eyes darkening into a duller shade. "Seeing him push you makes me want to punch his fucking face over and over and over again, until he feels the pain I felt when I saw you on the ground."

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