C h a p t e r T w e n t y f i v e

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Keefe's POV.

Since when do peace meetings take this long? Just sign the treaty and get it over with!

Keefe had snuck into the Neverseen's Villa as soon as the Flairs had started back to the Blackswan.

If Josephine was telling the truth and there really was the possibility of a signed peace treaty, the discussion would be held in the meeting room.

Keefe had only been in the meeting room a few times, for there was rarely a need for it, but he knew how to get there all the same.

And now he stood behind a tall pillar, a few feat away from the door to the meeting room, and began to form a plan.

Since his last plan to escape Exillium worked so well, Keefe was confident this one would as well.

Wait, are the coaches looking for me? Keefe suddenly fretted. To bring me back to Exillium? Are they looking for Leroy and Zadie too?

Keefe let out a sigh. Even if the coaches were looking to bring him back, he had to've taken the chance to escape. Had to. He'd deal with the consequences later.

Back to his plan. First, Keefe would wait behind the pillar for the meeting to be over, as much as he wanted to barge in and make sure a treaty was signed, it was unlikely the heir to the Neverseen who was supposed to be exiled barging in in the middle of meeting would make peace come any sooner.

It killed him to wait. To think, Sophie might just behind that door, a few feat away yet out of reach.
He could almost feel her, her smooth skin, her soft lips, her beautiful smile.

Keefe gritted his teeth. Just wait a little longer.

So he waited. And waited. And waited.

It felt like hours had passed before he heard the sound of feat clambering toward the door.

Keefe tucked himself deep behind the pillar and watched as people from both clans filed out and walked to exit the Villa.

He recognized his parents walking in step with Lord Alden and Lady Della, he saw Marella chatting with a girl with long black silver tipped hair, he noticed Dex and Biana hands intertwined, he saw Gethen growling at a wrinkly old man.

Their together and not killing each other, Keefe marveled. But where are they going? And where's Foster?

At last Sophie walked out of meeting room, no one followed behind her.

Keefe's heart swelled. There she was.

"Psst, Foster!" He called to her in a loud whisper.

Sophie whirled around, a look of disbelief on her face.

Eventually her eyes found his and a stunned smile grew on her face.

She ran over to him and Keefe stepped from behind the pillar.

They collided into each others arms and stood silent, embraced in a hug that didn't end, each making sure the other was really there.

Sophie looked up at Keefe. "Your here," she breathed. "Your actually here."

Keefe grinned at her. "I told I'd come back."

Sophie laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I suppose you did. But how? How did you escape—"

Keefe cut her off with a kiss.

It felt so good. So right. So perfect.

They stood together behind that pillar, lips locked in a spectacular kiss.

They forgot about everything but each other.
Forgot about their clans, about banishment, about the treaty.
All they knew was that they were together, and they weren't going to let the other go ever again.

When they finally broke free, it was because of an interruption.

"Sophie? Where are you?" Said I voice behind them, Sophie barely heard it. "Sophie, we're all waiting—oh my god."

That got Sophie's attention. She pulled away to find Biana standing shellshocked in front of her in Keefe.

Sophie panicked. "Biana! What are you—it's not what you think—"

Biana didn't look at her, her eyes found Keefe and she went rigid.

"Keefe Sencen." She said, her voice ice cold. "You killed my brother."


Oh. My. God.
We got Sokeefe reuniting kiss, just to be interrupted by Biana seeing her best friend kiss the guy that killed her brother.
What. Is. Happening?
Okay, bye!

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