Unoriginal Appearances

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#16: certain zodiacs are given the same appearances OVER AND OVER.


Aries always has green eyes, and is tall (especially if he's a boy).

Taurus has brown hair and brown eyes and is short (especially if she's a girl).

Gemini girl is stylish and Gemini boy has glasses.

Cancer girl is always short. Cancer always has blue eyes.

Leo is always blonde and has a nice tan. Leo boy is muscular.

Virgo girl is blonde and skinny. Virgo boy has glasses.

Libra is always blonde and stylish (regardless of gender).

Scorpio is pale with dark hair and they always wear black.

Sagittarius is tall and has dark hair.

Capricorn has glasses.

Aquarius ALWAYS has blue hair.

Pisces is always short with blue eyes, and they usually have blonde hair.

*End of Example

Those were the most common ones, but it's not impossible to find zodiacs with appearances that are different to this.

The one that appears in ABSOLUTELY EVERY SINGLE ZODIAC BOOK I'VE READ is the Aquarius one. Why do you ALWAYS have to give them blue hair? I know they're water bearers and I know that Aquarius' are "weird" and all, but why can't they have some other hair color?

I used to have a best friend who's an Aquarius, so in all of my old zodiac books I would give her curly brown hair (because that's what my friend looked like).

All I'm saying is make an Aquarius who has ANY OTHER HAIR COLOR THAN BLUE!

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk once again.


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