Chapter 30

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We were all flying in the air, the night city below us...

Wind blowing through my face, my eyes gleaming at the sight below.... It was amazing...

Her hair flowing through the wind... Her eyes lighting up as we pass through the city, it's all beautiful...

She looked up at me holding her a feeling I've never felt before surrounding me... In that moment it felt like it was just her and I against the world...

I looked up at Bakugo my eyes meeting his, a spark gleaming between us as he held me in his arms...

"Hate to break up the moment but we're falling!" Kirishma shouted towards us, snapping us out of it....

We both shook our heads a small blush spread across our faces...

"Oh.. I got this." I mumbled quickly recomposing myself.

I concentrated my hardest making sure I use enough power to teleport all the way to ground with one push.

A wave of energy was sent out of me reaching all of us.

Within seconds we teleported to the ground all of us going off balance and me falling straight to ground.

"Argah..." I mumbled... I took a deep breath in clenching onto a nearby shirt pulling myself up.

"I'm sorry..." I gasped looking up... To see Todoroki frightened at the sudden contact.

"It's fine..." Todoroki mumbled.

"I... Never... Did anything that big..."

"Y/n I suggest you lie down. We'll watch to see what happens." Yayurozo said helping me stand up.

"I just... I can't just sit here!" I shouted grabbing my guy.

"When you used your new quirk before, it took everything out out of you. I saw it. Your adrenaline rush ram out and now your feeling the repercussion." Bakugo scoffed.

"But I got to help!" I screamed, " I got to.... Help...."

The h/c girl fell down unconscious barely able to breath... Iida ran up catching the girl.

"Yayurozo call an ambulance!" The blue haired male ordered.

The blackette nodded and dialed the nearest hospital.

"Is she breathing Iida!?!" Midoriya shouted kneeling down to the girls almost lifeless body.

Iida put his fingers right on her neck.

"Theirs a pulse... She's okay but barely hanging on..." Iida whispered.

The surrounding males eyes faltered into a scared look.

She couldn't die...


I woke up in a white room, there nothing in the room except for a bed an I....

"Hello..." I called out.

No answer.

"Ugh..." I swong my legs off the bed in one motion...

I took a deep breath in, walking around the room to the door.

"Um... Is anyone here?" I called out before opening it.


No reply...

"Hm.." I opened the door to continue my search. I was bond to find someone immediately.

I started walking around the empty hospital till I made it to the front gate.

I was hesitant to open the door... It just.... Didn't feel right...

I sighed opening the double sided door with one big swoosh.

When it opened, outside was Musutafu but it wasn't normal.... It was all destroyed.... Rubble everywhere... Villians running through the streets finishing off the left over heroes....


ust then I felt a sharp pain in my head, I grabbed in one motion bringing myself down into a ball.

Once it let go I looked up.

The scene changed.

I was now on a throne.

The league of villans at my side... And class 1-A infront of me all chained up in my special chains...

"IM NOT LETTING A DOUBLE CROSSER KILL ME!" Bakugo screamed trying to break free but ultimately giving up when he realized his quirk didn't work. The rest of the class sat down in defeat.

The rest of the world seemed to fall away at that instant.

Double crosser?

My body walked up to the class sitting in defeat.

I wasn't controlling any of my actions...

I stopped when I was face to face with Midoriya.

Tears burning down his face he was crying his heart out.

"Y/n! You can still change I know there's good in you!"

I placed a bomb on his head... Walking back a few feet still facing the class.

"Why would I want to be a hero... When I could have the whole world..."





I jolted up not sure if I was still in that nightmare or if I was awake.

I searched around frantically trying to search for familiar faces.

"Y/n! Your awake!" I heard a voice come out from the right side of the room.

I turned my head slowly to realize my whole class was standing there.

I sat up my energy draining almost immediately.

"Y/n~Chan don't make any movements yet, Kero." Tsu see d helping me sit back up.

"Yeah you need to keep your energy if your going to be able to move soon" Jiro scoffed.

"Wait- are you guys real?!?" My breath quickened what if it was another dream.


"It's a legitimate question, Bakugo, taking in the teams she had and the amount of energy used, plus this so called new Quirk..." Yayurozo was explaining stuff to herself more or less out loud.

"Yes we are real." Todoroki stated bluntly.

"That's not what I ment!" Yayurozo shouted towards the fuel haired male.

Yayurozo recomposed herself kneeling down to your level, "Y/n. You are okay, we are not figmantes of your imagination, we are here to help escort you too your dorm and check up on you."

I nodded taking a deep breath in wondering if this was reality, that other dream felt so real, so intense it didn't feel like it was fake....

A/n- Oof. 7,000+ reads I can't-

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