《t h r e e》

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[ PAIN ]


              Yuna smiled at the last customer before letting out a long whiny sigh, "Ugh I'm so tired!" She leaned on the counter, her bob cut hair falling on the sides of her face.

She felt a pat on her back making her look up with tired eyes, she could pass as a zombie in a horror movie. "Good work today!" Taeyong, her manager smiled at her. "You can go home now yuyu, it's late already." He told the girl while he wiped the counter.

Yuna only wordlessly nodded and went to change her work uniform. Going to college in the morning and working late night shifts at cafè took a toll on her body, exhausting her to core but the girl had no choice. She wanted to and had to support her father to maintain the house even though her dad was against it.

"See you tomorrow." Yuna bid farewell to Taeyong, "I will walk you home yuyu it's very late." Taeyong quickly fumbled with his apron to take it off but was stopped by the girl herself. "It's okay! I will be fine. Don't worry too much yongie or you will get old quickly." Yuna quickly ran outside before Taeyong could reply to her tease.

Taeyong was like an older brother figure in Yuna's life and she couldn't be anymore grateful to the day when she went inside the cafè for a job just because there was moomin sticker attached beside the barista ad.

She inhaled the fresh air and walked towards her home. Looking up to sky she noticed how the purples and pinks with a hint of orange slowly blended into black. Light breeze moved through her hair making her feel calm.

The honking of cars and chatters of people walking beside her didn't make her uncomfortable, she liked the city at night, the bright colours of lights and buildings made her happy.

Suddenly she stopped dead at her tracks as her breath hitched, a sharp pain flashed in her head and everything seemed hazy. She let out a quiet whimper at the sudden pain, waiting for it to go away.

Yuna placed her hand on her head to soothe the throbbing headache and that was when she noticed the lack of silver bracelet on her hand. "Oh no where did it go!?" She asked herself in panic momentarily forgetting about her pain.

Yuna looked around the pavement to see if it had fallen but she found nothing. Worry rushed through her as she tried to remember everything she did the whole day but no avail. She then lifted her sleeve, silently hoping for something.

And there she saw a small purple star tattoo resting on her wrist. She gasped and examined it closely. "I found my soulmate?" She said while looking around her. "But when?"

"I don't even know him." She mumbled in worry, "What should I do?" She was worried about not finding her soulmate even after the connection had started. If she can't find her soulmate, she would die by the lack is contact.

Yuna ruffled her hair and bit her bottom lip, the pain had now subsided. She shook her head to get rid of negative thoughts and resumed her walk towards home.

They were bonded without knowing and she was afraid that she won't find him in time.


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