Chapter Three: Robinson Hills!

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Rain, shine, clouds, snow. The train went through it all as the students were travelling toward Robinson Hills.

Honestly, Laura was getting a bit bored of it. Thankfully, Bridget was there to brighten things up.

Suddenly, everyone on the train leaned out of the window and gasped.

There was Robinson Hills.

"There it is!"

"There's Robinson Hills!"

"Robinson Hills is beautiful!"


Girls on the train shouted and squealed in delight as they caught the first glimpse of Robinson Hills sitting so majestically on a cliff overlooking the sea and the plains.

Robinson Hills had beautiful white-brick walls which were covered with ivy and rose bushes with golden domed roofs, topped with golden turrets and arches connecting the towers.

The grounds of the school had flowers of every color, just as Laura's mum had described it. And the white-brick pavement seemed to sparkle in the sun.

Laura and Bridget rushed down the train and on to the marbled floor of the Robinson Hills' train station, and gasped.

The view was breathtaking. The school was gleaming in the warm glow of the evening sun, waves lapped against the cliff Robinson Hills was sitting on, tall grass just a little way off swished in the light breeze.

"Hello, had good hols?!"

"How was your holiday?"

"Back at last!"

There was excitement everywhere in the train station. Lower-form girls were shouting for their friends and running all around. While the upper-form were greeting their friends with dignity and 'grown-up-manners'.

Laura looked around the train station. Other trains from other districts were just pulling into the station, thousands of crystal lights lit up the area, marble pillars supporting the domed roof.

The two girls walked down the path across the school's grounds, which was more like an enormous garden. There were flowers and plants as far as they could see, and the trees rustled in the wind.

Laura sucked in a breath. Her first breath she took in her new school.

Soon, Laura and Bridget reached the school's outdoor lobby, where creepers crawled up gigantic pillars, supporting the high ceiling.

Carriages pulled in the drive, carrying students' luggage.

Laura and Bridget stepped up the grand marble staircase, and stepped through the gigantic oak door into Robinson Hills.

For the very first time.

The hallway was arched with ivy climbing up the walls. Flowers bloomed inside the school.

"This place is like a palace!" Bridget exclaimed. "How will we ever find our way around?"

"Haha!" laughed Laura. "We will get used to it soon, don't worry." said Laura, smiling. "I hope."

After that, Laura and Bridget went to the sickbay to hand in their health certificates to the nurse, named Alice.

Nurse Alice had light-brown her in a neat bun and a rosy complexion. She was in the middle of a crowd of students, taking health certificates from tons of girls.

When it was Laura's and Bridget's turn they shyly walked up to Nurse Alice and handed her their certificates.

"Hello girls, welcome to Robinson Hills!" said Nurse Alice cheerfully.

"Hello Nurse Alice," said Bridget and Laura shyly.

"Well I suppose you two belong in the first form!"

"We sure do!" The two girls chorused.

"Well, let me check my list." Nurse Alice said, before looking down at her list.

"What are your names?" Nurse Alice asked.

"Laura Jones," Laura said as she giggled.

"Bridget Watsons," Bridget said.

"Hmm..." Nurse Alice mused, her finger travelling down her list. "Oh! You two are in the same room! Go to the number 36, West Wing."

"Thank you!" The two girls chorused in happiness.

Robinson Hills wasn't like any normal boarding school.

Instead of the girls sleeping in dorms, the principal, Miss Carine paired them up. The school had almost a thousand girls so it was a very rich school.

The girls shared a beautiful room with two queen size beds, a sofa, and a bedside table with jewelry and hair accessories on it.

And of course a wardrobe filled with fancy coats, evening gowns, dresses, blouses, floral skirts.

Finally, there were delicate blue satin silk school uniforms, those uniforms were very exclusive, it was the most nicest uniform the students have ever seen.

Laura soaked in her environment.

This was it.

Her new school.

Her new home.

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