Chapter six :The start of the day

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The next morning, Laura and Bridget woke up and got changed into their delicate uniforms before going down to the dinner hall to have breakfast.

"Oh, Bridget, our first lesson is French. I do so hate French." said Laura.

"Me too, I heard our teacher is Mamzelle Lizanna, a French teacher."

"Well, she sounds nice."

"Haha! Her name is a bit funny," said Bridget.

"Yeah, haha."

They walked together along the long school / castle corridor to their french class, which, according to the directory, was on the west wing's third floor.

They walked past upper forms' classes, where they were learning Chinese.

"They all have terrible Chinese accents!" exclaimed Laura, who happened to have a Chinese grandmother who would talk to her in Chinese. "But goodness! Chinese! Here?!"

Bridget giggled at her friend's remarks.

After a while of walking, they finally reach their classroom for French class.

"Oh, this must be our classroom."

"It is."

They walked in their classroom. Mamzelle wasn't there yet. Most of the girls were just turning their noses up at everything.

"Ugh! those are the not-very-nice girls again!" Bridget whispered to Laura, nodding toward the girls in the corner. "I wish Lily and Cora were here too."

But they're not, because their timetable is different from ours.

Laura and Bridget took their places at the only tables left, right at the front of the class. They had got to class so late there were no other seats left!

After taking out their textbooks, Mamzelle entered the room.

Mamzelle had grey hair tied up in a tight bun. On her nose, perched a pair of red glasses, studded with faux rubies, behind her glasses was two big, round eyes.

Laura thought she looked very much like a fairy godmother.

"Bonjour à toute la classe!" Mamzelle greeted her class brightly. "I am Mamzelle Lizanna."

No one replied back

"Bonjour à toute la classe!" Mamzelle Lizanna said a little louder.

"Bonjour Mamzelle Lizanna," Bridget and Laura greeted her. The kind-hearted girls hated to see Mamzelle in such a state.

"Ah, thank you, ma chérie," Mamzelle said to Bridget and Laura.

Suddenly, she shouted in not-very-fairy-godmother-ish tone, "I will not be ignored like this! Stand up and greet me!"

"Bonjour, Mamzelle." the class replied worried that she would lose her temper.

"Okay class, now I'll pass you a test paper and you all have to finish it in an hour." said Mamzelle grimly , as she passed the quiz to each of the girls , but as she walked past Bridget , Mamzelle gave her a big smile.

One of the mean girls named Petunia Turner who sat behind Laura saw this and instantly got jealous.

Why, of all people, does Mamzelle like Bridget?! She thought. Petunia was usually always the teacher's favorite student. With her brains, she could outsmart everyone in class. How dare Bridget take her place!

She tugged hard at Laura's hair, just so Bridget would get angry.

"Ow!" screamed Laura in pain.

Mamzelle turned around in shock. "Ah, what happened ma chere?" said Mamzelle in astonishment.

Laura was already crying in pain.


"Mamzelle!" cried Bridget. " The mean girl behind Laura pulled Laura's hair awfully hard."

"No, I didn't." said Petunia innocently. With a sweet smile on her face.

"Please, Mamzelle Lizanna!" pleaded Bridget, her big emerald eyes sparkling with tears. " My friend! Please help us!"

"Ah, vous vilaine fille! You naughty girl!" Mamzelle said in an annoyed tone. " you are going to come with me to the principal's office."

Petunia was pleased with herself until she realized that Mamzelle was talking to her.

So, Petunia just sat there frowning her biggest frown, which made Mamzelle lose her temper even more.

"You Petunia, how dare you not listen to your Mamzelle Lizanna! Today you will write me a one thousand word french essay! And if you don't tomorrow you will see the principal whether you like it or not."

Petunia smiled coyly, her smart brains could get her through this!

"No problem, Mamzelle!" she replied snidely.

Mamzelle stomped out of the class angry and confused.

On her way to the principal's office, she bumped into Miss Hannah, Laura and Bridget's form teacher.

"Why, Mamzelle Lizanna! What's wrong?" said Miss Hannah, astonished to see Mamzelle in such a state.

But Mamzelle just hurried off, not in a mood to talk to anyone.

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