Chapter 17

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Aqours was able to perfect their performance and Taiki & Riko finished the Competition without any problems, now they are just waiting for the results of the LoveLive Prelims.

"They were at the near store next to the school waiting"

My poor heart! Why must they make us wait for the results this long!
Dia said nervously

I can't take these!
Kanan said impatiently

Calm down
Chika said

I'm gonna go for a run!

Huh! I'll call you when they're out okay kanan!

You don't have to!

So you don't wanna know?

"Sigh" kanan didn't continue

Don't eat too much, You'll put on weight
Mari said

I can't sit still, unless I eat
Hanamaru said

Heed me little demons,
Bestow upon the Fallen Angel yohane your mana, Your anime... All the powers which you hold!

Why are you even doing a summoning ritual here at the sidewalk?
Ruby asked

"Then a truck came and blew away all the candles"

What was that for!

They're out!
The wining groups from the LoveLive preliminaries...
You said


My heart can't take this.
Chika said

The top! A for aqours A! A! A!
Dia said

Izu express.

No way!
Kanan said

We lost!
Chika said

Woe is us!
Dia said

Oh, it's by entry number sorry...

Huh! You-chan!!
You made us worry!

Izu express,
Green teas,

Chika said

We made it!
Everyone said

We made a through the prelims!
Ruby and Dia said


Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!
Mari shouted

"Back at the Clubroom"

We Caught all these this morning, Eat up you guys!

"Kanan brought a large sizes boat plate filled with sashimi"

Why a sashimi boat?
Chika asked

Dried fish isn't really party like.

There stuff other than fish, you know? Like summer Tangerins! Me and Taiki always eat them during weekends! Or even Noppos!
Chika said

Hey sashimi's fine too

Look at this!
Ruby came in with the laptop and excitedly showed it to everyone

Everyone said

Look at the view count!

Our PV!
Chika said

Look at those numbers!
You said

That's not all there are tons of comments!

They're cute Zura,
They might even make Nationals,
A real dark horse!

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