Loki's Birthday

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You were away on a mission and wouldn't be back for your husband's birthday. Fury gave you a choice either go now and miss Loki's birthday or wait and miss Christmas. You couldn't imagine missing a Christmas so you went with the first option. Loki assured you it was fine and he would rather have you home for Christmas. You two could do something another day for his birthday but you can't really postpone Christmas. Before you left you gave the team instructions for a surprise party for the trickster because you knew he wouldn't go out and do something on his own. They promised they would throw him the best party they could and maybe it would distract him from your absence. You were getting ready for the mission and Loki was checking over your bags. "Looks like everything is here little one. Just promise me you'll be safe. I need you to come back to me in one piece." He sighs caressing your cheek. "Don't I always my love? It's just an intel mission. In, look around and out." "That's what you said last time but you were found out and were severely injured." He says as his fingers run over the scar on your chest. Last mission you were indeed found out and became aquatinted with the business end of a knife. "I'll be fine Loki that was just a one time thing. I know what to look out for now." "I just worry (Y/N)." "As a husband should but I promise I'll come back unscathed. I'll even put a bow on my head if it will make you feel better." You tease as you start to walk to the quinjet. "I would very much enjoy that dearest wife." "Do you have anything planned for your birthday while I'm away?" "No I'll probably just stay home. Birthdays are no fun without you." "I will make it up to you my love." "You coming back safe and being home for Christmas is enough for me." You nod and walk up the hatch of the jet. "This is my flight." You giggle and Loki smiles. "Always one to make jokes. Be safe. I love you." He sighs as he hugs you tight. "You too. I love you more." "Not possible." You kiss each other passionately before your pilot informs you that you need to get going. You break away from Loki and you start to buckle yourself in. You blow him a kiss and he catches it before the hatch shuts.

Over the week you gather the information you need and send it off to Fury. He was surprised you got the goods quickly and said you could come home early. You begged him not to tell Loki because you had a surprise up your sleeve. He agreed and sent Natasha to pick you up. "So I'm guessing it's a surprise for Loki?" "Yep he said he's just going to stay home for his birthday so I want you guys to throw the party there. And we are going to need a really big box." "Oh I see what you're saying." She giggles and takes you to a safe house to lay low till Loki's party. Thor took his brother out for lunch to get him out of the house. You and the team set up the party while he was away. "Here's that box you wanted. We even wrapped it." Nat says as she pulls out a big refrigerator sized box wrapped in green and gold wrapping paper. "This is great. Thank you. I'll go get ready while you guys finish." "Yeah they should be back soon." Steve says as he fills some balloons with air. You go to your room and put on Loki's favorite dress. Green silk floor length gown that hugged your curves in all the right spots. You add black formal gloves and a gold bow to your head as promised. You walk out to the living room and the team stop and stare. "Wow (Y/N) you look amazing." Tony says as the team nod. "Thanks got to look nice for the birthday boy." "Do you know who Marilyn Monroe is?" Nat asks as you climb into the box. "Really? I may be Asgardian but I know who she is. She slept with JFK." "Allegedly." Tony chuckles as he sets gifts on the table. "Anyway you should sing happy birthday to Loki the way she did to Kennedy." "Oh that's a great idea Nat! Thanks." "Great now get in the box and be quiet I think they are coming." You sit on your knees in the box and she closes it.

You couldn't help but giggle silently when the team yelled surprise when Loki opened the door. You could tell he was shocked by his gasp. "Oh wow guys thanks. Did (Y/N) put you up to this before she left?" He asks as you hear him move to the middle of the room. "Yep she told us what to do before she left. Talked to Fury this morning he says she's good and the mission is going well." Steve says as you hear him sit on the couch. "Glad to hear it. Oh wow there is even gifts. You guys shouldn't have. Ooooo that's that big one?" "The big one is to be saved for last per (Y/N)'s instructions." Thor says as the team all sit on the couches. Loki starts to open the gifts but you don't know what they are. You can tell Loki was happy with them by his thank yous. "Alright now for the big one. Go get it birthday boy." Nat teases as you hear footsteps come closer. "What is it?" "Will you just open it and see?" Thor groans as you feel the box shake. "It's heavy." Loki says and your jaw drops. "Asshole." You growl as you hear the paper rip. You start to see light and that's then you pop up out of the box. "Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday mr Odinson happy birthday to you." You sensually sing as Loki covers his mouth with his hands. You can see the tears in his eyes as he helps you out of the box. "See a bow on my head as promised." You giggle pointing to it. Loki hugs you tight and spins you around. "Was this planned the whole time?" "Nope I was done with the mission early so I wanted to surprise you. Do you like it?" "Of course my love. You're the best birthday gift I could ever get. Thank you." He kisses your lips then all over your face causing you to laugh. "Alright birthday boy. Let's eat." You squeak as his attack on your face stops. You all have dinner and cake.

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