chapter 8: Trash

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The more I logically thought about what I had considered with Ian, the more senseless it became. Yes I was desperate to go home without looking like an entire pity party but to marry a stranger? A one nightstand? It was completely mindless.
I still knew nothing about this man and I wasn't going to fully take his word for it. Vegas consisted of too many players and con artists and I wasn't going to take that risk.

Feeling myself panic, I began to pack my things, deciding to go home before my reckless self convinced me not to. If I didn't leave right away, I was going to keep making mistakes I knew I'd regret. I couldn't be the laughing stock when it all blew up in my face.

I grabbed my stuff and left my room, quickly walking to the elevator to avoid the chances of being seen by Ian. There were a few days left in my trip but I just couldn't stay for much longer.

I breathe a sigh when the elevator opened up and someone who was not Ian stepped out while I got in. I leaned against the steel walls with a sigh, not liking the fearful side of me at all. I wasn't brave enough to take risks and that was the very thing Blake had thrown in my face.

And yet, that had not been a problem for me before he pointed it out. I was quite ok with the wholesome person I was and found it quite disappointing to myself to have listened to someone who no longer had my best interest at heart.

I checked out of the hotel and went to the airport where I hoped I could just buy a ticket and be on my way. If not, I would yet again have to suffer for being so impulsive.

When I got to the airport, luckily for me there was an empty seat and I could be on my way home.


I arrived home - to the place I said I'd leave if the trip provided me with enough head space to get out of my heartbreak. Yet it had not and I was back at the very place that had been the source of my tragic romance.
While I had planned to start a life with the man I loved, right here, that man had his eyes on the woman who created the beauty that was.

Shelby Bradshaw. She had been so kind and giggly - someone I had gotten along with, not feigning the idea that she would be the one to destroy my relationship. And yet, she didn't, Blake did.

Feeling myself about to cry, I quickly fished my phone from my purse and dialed Carrie's number before I was caved into grief yet again.

"Hey, what's up?" She answered. "I hope you took my advice and is out having some fun, " she chirped.

I licked my lip and sat on the bed. "I um- I'm home."

There was a brief silence. "What do you mean?"

"I'm at my apartment. I just couldn't..." I trailed off and sighed. "If you're not busy, could you come over?" I said instead.

"Uh- yeah sure. I'll be there in fifteen, " she said, I agreed and ended the call.

I released a resigned sigh and reflected on what had transpired in Vegas. In hindsight, it all seemed too surreal. I had met a man, had mind-blowing sex with that man, he had proposed and I had ran away.

For me, all that had happened in just a matter of hours and for some people that was their lifetime. Yet I had enjoyed every bit of it - I liked the way he caressed my body like he'd known it for years, how we spoke like we knew each other for awhile.

Ian's memories would remain a fantasy until I found myself someone to please me the way he had and I was fine with that.


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