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»But a guy stepped in.

"Hey girly, why don't you and me dance together?" He says while taking her hand. She was freaked out at this point. He took her somewhere to the back of the crowd causing her to loose sight of Jisung.
Now she was worried.

She tried to get out of his grip but to no avail. He was strong. "What are you doing baby girl? Don't you want to dance?" He smirked and twirled her around. He handed her a drink but she refused to take it so he forced her, so she eventually opened her mouth letting the alcohol sink in. It was disgusting.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" He was still smirking which really annoyed her. "Let me go," she demanded but the guy didn't do anything. She was stuck with him.

At least that was she thought.

"Let her go!" Jisung yelled with security behind him. The security guard took the man by the arm and took him away from the girl. She was relieved and thanked Jisung. "I was so worried but my brother told me he had seen you with some guy so i called in security, good thing your safe." He grabs her hand and they both fled from the building into his car.

She eventually fell asleep so Jisung took his jacket from the back seat and placed it on her. A smile formed on his face, he cleared his throat and focused on the road. But he still had a smile on his face, he didn't know exactly why.

When they were at her house he woke her up gently, luckily she wasn't a heavy sleeper so that was a fast process. "Jisung your jacket," she says as she was about to hand it back to him but he refused. "You can keep it, i'll see you tomorrow. Make sure you get some good sleep," he smiles at her and closes the door for her then drove off.

She went upstairs and hung his jacket in her closet. She changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth and laid in bed. A smile kept creeping on her face but she tried to not smile so she just closed her eyes and took a deep breath causing her to fall into deep sleep.


Today she was very tired still not over to what happened to her yesterday. It all happened too fast. Jisung came a bit late to class which was off so she asked him once he came to sit next to her. "Where were you?" She asks making him chuckle. "I overslept, why? Were you worried?" He teased.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "As if," he smiled. Class started and the teacher just let Jisung off with a warning since he was a good student anyway.

Then when class ended they both stayed after everyone left, it was basically their new little hang out spot. "I'm thankful for you Jisung," she says when he was about to take a bite of his rice cake. "Why?" He asks after stuffing it in his mouth.
"Well every since you came those girls hasn't done anything to me ever since."

He took a sip from his water bottle, "well you should wait, they probably have something up their sleeve or something." She just nodded and also began eating her food. "We're a good team huh?"
He asks. "We sure are."

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