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"Thanks Jisung," she rolled her eyes and grabbed the paint brushes from the table and placed them back where Rowoon kept them. Jisung looked at her worried. "What's wrong?" He asks while following her around.

She faced him and did a thinking pose. "There's something with her, i'm going to ask Rowoon later," Jisung nodded and sat back down where they first sat and took out his phone. Ryuji came over and payed attention to the game he was playing, he was quite good at it. Ryuji wonders if that woman was Rowoon's customer.

Jisung closed his phone and stared blankly at their 'child' and started playing around with it. "How old are your brothers?" He suddenly asked startling Ryuji. "Rowoon is 22 and Rino is 20," he nods. He took the plushie and shoved it into her face making her almost fall over but he caught her.

"We're in this position again," he smirked. Ryuji smirked too but then smacked his face making her fall off the stool. "Ouch..." she says as she rubbed her back that landed on the ground. "Are you alright?" Jisung asks regretting what he did. Ryuji nodded and gave him a thumbs up reassuring him.


After a few more hours of staying in the atelier, Jisung brought Ryuji home and she was very tired. "Rino, where is Rowoon?" She asks her brother who just came from upstairs. "He's in his room right now." She ran upstairs to his room and when she arrived she leaned against the door while crossing her arms.

"Hey your home!" Rowoon says and smiled at his little sister. She walked to his bed side and put her hand down on his bed. "There was a woman, she looked rich yet she couldn't afford paint brushes? Explain," she demanded. He gasped realizing who entered his atelier, the person he completely forgot about.

He cleared his throat before speaking, "did you two talk?" She nodded. "Uh well it was going to be a surprise but she's my fiancé," her eyes widened. Her brother was going to get married and yet didn't tell her anything? She become mad.
"Your gonna marry a trash human?" She chuckled, "fine, it's your life anyway."

Ryuji left the room leaving Rowoon confused but it was probably because he didn't tell her about it. Rino did know about it though but he promised not to tell Ryuji anything.

Upset she grabbed her phone and wore a hoodie and stepped outside. She didn't want to go far so she sat by the porch and texted Jisung.

Hey you busy?

Sungie 🐥
No what's up?

Would you want to sleep over?

Sungie 🐥
Haha suddenly? I mean..i'm down

Alright, text me when you get here

Sungie 🐥
Got ittt (:

She shut her phone and walked back upstairs and cleaned up the hallways. There was a guest room right across her room so that's where he will be sleeping so she cleaned that up too. Her parents bought a too big of a house which consisted of 7 bedrooms so while 4 rooms are occupied, the rest they turned into guest rooms or something they self wanted.

Then the doorbell rang and Ryuji told them not to open and that she was going to do it. "Hi Ryuji!" He had a big smile on his face and had an extra bag with him. She smiled and let him in. "I'll lead you to your room," he was stunned by her house. It didn't look big from the outside but from the inside it was quite big and modern.

"Your house is so cool!" He said in excitement. She lead her to the guest room across her bedroom and he was fascinated. It was like an hotel. "If you need me i'll be downstairs." She walked downstairs leaving Jisung to unpack his things. He noticed a sign across of his room where it said Lady Ryuji.

He wanted to look inside but he tried not to since there could be things that weren't his business. And it would be weird since he doesn't have a sister to know women things, plus his mother hardly talks about it. Still, he hesitated but went in anyway.

When you walked in it had a nice scent, it smelled like flowers. She did have some plants hanging around her room which might be the cause. Her room wasn't very big though but it was very well decorated. "Jisung?" A voice called out, he quickly hid in her closet because he didn't know what she would do when she found out he entered her room without permission.

"He's probably busy," Ryuji says as she entered her room. She took off her hoodie revealing her sports bra and Jisung quickly covered his eyes scared that he would see more. After a while he heard a door close and water started pouring, she went to take a shower.

He carefully walked out of her closet and quickly ran outside her room. Good thing her brothers didn't see him. "That was...no," his ears and cheeks flushed red as soon as he closed his door. She was doing something to him.

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