Chapter Sixteen: A Thorny Test

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"Oh, that's the bedtime bell"cried Laura.

"Time does pass fast, you know,"Bridget said.

"Yeah. And I'm starting to think that school isn't that bad after all."Laura said smiling.

"Yup. The girls apologized for their behavior that day. They were grumpy, because Mamzelle made them write a one thousand word poem about how happy they are to be back." Bridget said, smiling at Mamzelle at the fourth form's table.

"Hahaha. Good old Mamzelle."Laura laughed.

"Girls, it's bedtime!"  Cried Miss Carine who was sitting at the first form's table.

"Sorry Miss Carine," Bridget and Laura said in the saddest tone they could muster.

And so the girl's walked into their bedrooms.

"Oh I can't wait ,time for the fun to begin ." Miss Carine said to herself smiling wickedly as the girls all hurried up to their bedrooms.


Dong, dong !

The school's clock struck twelve. Bridget and Laura were fast asleep. Laura was a sound sleeper so she didn't even stir. On the other hand Bridget wasn't a very sound sleeper she stirred at every small movement or sound.

Creek! the windows to Bridget's and Laura's room opened.

The thorns slowly came in making little sounds. They went to Laura and slowly curled around her neck.

Laura woke up suddenly. "Ahh! Bridget, wake up! Help! These thorns are -" before Laura could finish what she needed to say she fainted. The thorns were choking her and also strangling her.

Bridget awoke suddenly. "Laura, Oh no!" Bridget cried.

Bridget quickly used her magic to free Laura. She placed her hands on Laura and muttered some words hoping it will work.

And guess what, it worked! The thorns slowly untangled themselves and crawled away. Laura had little cuts on her neck. She was bleeding badly though her cuts were small.

"Oh Laura! You're bleeding! Maybe magic will work."Bridget said thoughtfully .

So again Bridget muttered some magic word's and not a single bruise was left on the injured girl!

"Wow! You know this magic isn't that bad." Bridget said to herself.

"Huh!? What magic?" Laura said suddenly, as she woke up.

"Oh! You're okay!" Bridget said hugging her friend.

"What happened!?" Laura asked, quite confused.

"Oh Laura! Please forgive me! I lied to you! I had magic! I was just scared that the whole school would know......" Bridget said looking at the ground.

"Bridget! Of course I'll forgive you! You're my best friend! And you saved my life." Laura said hugging her friend.

"Thank you! But please keep it a secret ." Bridget said looking into Laura's eyes.

"Okay," Laura replied.

The two girls were just too happy. Too happy indeed that they didn't see Miss Carine staring and smiling maliciously from the window glancing wickedly at Bridget.

"Haha! This will be more fun than I ever would have thought!" She said her eyes filled with wickedness.

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