authors note ✫彡

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okay GUYS, over the past few days i have spent hours. and i mean hours, plotting nirvana's tour dates throughout all of 1991 and 1992 in order to make this story as historically accurate as possible, because it's just really pleasing to me that the story would have actually been occurring in the right time frames. in doing this i also mapped out a lot of this story up until about chapter fORTY which i envision as being the 1/2 way or 3/4 mark of the story. AND IM SO EXCITED. 

thank you for voting and reading and commenting things because it makes writing dave and evie's story so easy and more exciting having the anticipation of your reactions. :')

just thought i would put this out there and see if people would actually want to read about dave and evie for potentially 70-80 chapters? 

i know i could happily write them for that long and i really want to show the character development of miss evie, but i'd like to see what you guys want.

ok. that's all!

have a lovely day. 


(oh and chapter 12 which is on it's way is quite possibly my favourite chapter i've written yet.) 

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