Chapter 14| First date

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You woke up to the sun shinning in your face, practically blinding you.

As you stretched, warms muscular hands wrapped themselves around your waist pulling back into bed.

He placed a kiss on our shoulder, "mmm

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He placed a kiss on our shoulder, "mmm..good morning y/n."

You turned to face him, "good morning baby." You kissed him the forehead.

"You know if I wasn't so tired, I'd definitely be making love to you right now." He nuzzled his head into your neck.

"I bet you would." You said.

The two of you just layed there in each others company until Jungkook finally sprung up.

"OMG I can't believe this!" He began to pace around the room with his hands in his hair.

"What? What's going on?" You asked

"We never went on a date! A real official date!" Jungkook exclaimed

It was basically self defeat for him. He fell into the bed totally depressed.

You laughed, "Jungkook, we've been on plenty of dates."

"Yea work dates, and session dates and going along with the boys. But it's never been just us going out together. Especially after I won the bet!"

He screamed Into a pillow. You meanwhile began to think about the terms of the bet. They were a bit hazy to you but then you remembered one important detail.

Jungkook went to kiss you but you shoved him off,

"I can't believe you!" You said.

"Y/n I know your mad. I'm mad too but I genuinely forgot." He pleaded

You stood up from the bed wrapped in black silk sheets,

"Not that! The bet! I can't believe you chose to win the stupid bet over me!"

You were furious, you relived the entire night of how you wanted to teach him lesson for denying you.

"Baby you know I don't lose. It's not fun when I lose. if it makes you feel any better I almost lost to you because you wanted me so bad. Your eyes were just devouring me, I almost gave in."

You threw a pillow at him, "I would've let you take me on the date anyways asshole!"

You stormed out the room and down the stairs, "y/n wait! you can't just leave the house in anything but some sheets." He laughed.

"Yes I can."

When you opened the door you found two unfamiliar men and someone you couldn't quite put yourself finger on. Nonetheless their eyes quickly shifted to look up at the ceiling as the blindly entered the apartment.

"Manager-nim! What brings you here?" Jungkook trotted down the stairs.

"We need to talk about the upcoming schedule."

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