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Holly had been ignoring, Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael for a week now. They would constantly come over but she never said anything to them. Luke was starting to think she really did hate them. It honestly was worrying him. He didn't want her to hate him. She's the best thing that's ever happened to him. Luke hadn't stopped crying. It only broke his heart, more and more to think that the reason Holly no longer had her mom was because if him. Everyday he wakes up feeling guilty. It haunts him day and night. And that feeling will never leave him.


"Don't be so bitchy God, you're being so damn uptight." A drunk Luke said chugging down some vodka.

"Luke we have a three year old daughter to get home to, I'd appreciate it if you'd  get your shit together."  Holland said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Look just have one drink, we'll leave in no time." Luke said handing  her a shot. Holland reluctantly took it and chugged it down. After that one, she had another and another.

Soon enough they were both too drunk to drive home, but they drove anyway.

Luke's bison was so blurred he couldn't even so much as see the traffic lights.

Car horns viciously beeped at him, but he payed them no mind.

Then he continously drive until they drove right into a tree. Holland's body ejected while Luke only got a few bruises.

After that Luke's life was never the same.

[Flashback Over]

"Cupcake talk to me, I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry for killing  your mother, I'm sorry for being a horrible dad, I'm sorry that you don't love me anymore, I'm sorry that you think I don't love you anymore, I'm sorry that I'm not doing enough for you, I know you wish you had a better father than me, and I know that I'm not the best dad ever, I miss mommy too, she was way better at this than me, and I'm sorry that I took her life away, It should've been me Holly, you don't have to love me anymore." Luke said sobbing. Holly was locked into her room.

She slightly opened the door, her face was tear stained.

"Daddy please don't say that ever again, you don't need to apologize, I do, I was a little brat and daddy you're doing  amazing, I do think want any other father, you're the only daddy that I want, you're the greatest person I know, and it's ok, you know what happened to mommy, cause she's in a better place right?" Holly said. Luke nodded. He opened his arms.

Holly leaped into them and hugged him so tight, they both sobbed together. They love each other more than anything  and no one really notices that.


"You forgive us?" Ashton asked kneeling down in front if Holly.

"Of course I do." She said smiling.

"Come here baby girl." Ashton held out his arms.

She held onto him tightly as he continously kissed her cheeks.

She hugged and kissed Calum next.

"Squishy, squishy!" She said squeezing his cheeks.

Michael held his arms out next.

"Would you mind giving your highlighter haired uncle a hug and a kiss." He said.

She leaped into  his arms as he spun her around.

"I love you guys and I meant it." Holly said.

"We love you too Holly." Luke said kissing her forehead.

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