Chapter 37: One Word

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Can we agree that this is pretty big Norah vibes? Like what she's doing with Easton.


Clarika looks over the runes and plans I had set for everyone's armor with an unreadable, cold expression that would no doubt win her poker if she would ever stoop so low as to play. She didn't say a word but did scribble down her own adjustments, even though I know mine were fine. But that was an argument not worth getting into and she did have more experience than me so I sat on the log beside her, watching Holland teach Adam how to make a fire. He was explaining the basics of building the fire, starting with not adding the thickest logs first but instead begging with the hair-width ones and then making your way up in size.


Adam frowns, rubbing the back of his head as Holland says, "Stop asking for fire mages, they're not here."

"Why do you keep hitting me?" He asks but makes no move to move farther away. Maybe because he thinks Holland might yank him back and hit harder. "I thought you were an instructor." Holland's eyes narrow as Adam continues whining. "I don't see you doing this to Easton or Norah."

Easton snorts, cutting me a lightning-fast look. "Savor it now because once you build up a tolerance, he evolves to punching."

The corner of my mouth curls. "You'll build up stamina, Adam, I promise. Pretty soon you won't feel a thing."

Adam winces. "I don't think that's a good sign."

Very, very slowly, Holland twists around to the two of us sitting a respectful distance apart. His eyes narrow to slits, brows pulling together. "Obviously I didn't hit you all hard enough because we still ended up across the sea on a fool's errand with this merry band of five-year-olds."

I stick my tongue out at him.

Easton shrugs as if to say, what can you do?

With a final look, Holland turns back to the growing fire, muttering something under his breath, and continues to instruct Adam. The air mage soaks up every bit of information and tries his best to keep his abilities out of the fire.

Squirm sits curled around my feet, slumbering deeply. His tail twitches, brushing Clarika's dark boots as he dreams. She moves her foot away and points to her name and runes. "I already have runes. And why is there a smiling face beside my name?"

"In case someone can't read cursive. They won't suspect a thing." She levels a cold, icy glare at me. I spread my arms wide, "You're right. But if I put a frowning face there everyone would know it's yours."

She scowls and stands, taking my papers with her to the rock across the fire. "I like my armor the way it is."

But I keep going, feeling Easton's eyes darting between the two of us. "Honestly, you frown more than Holland."

He turns again, staring at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

I stand, stirring Squirm out of his sleep. He yawns and stretches over the soft dirt before curling up again to watch me pat Clarika on the head. She hisses and swats me away, ordering me to go hone my water skills.

"You don't order me around," I holler over my shoulder, making way toward the glistening lake.

"Yes, I do. I'm your general and sister. I'm your superior in every way," Clarika replies cooly.

"You're the superior who shoved me down a hill when I was seven and blamed it on my poor footing when Renora asked you about it."

"Where are you going, Norah?" she asks smoothly, a smirk in her voice.

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